Hans Tutschku

Die Kirche als Klangskulptur

english: the church as sound sculpture

16-channel sound installation
year: 1999
studio: Klang Projekte Weimar
first presentation: April 06, 1999 , Paris St. Merri

Paris St. Merri 6.4. - 18.4.1999
Basel St. Elisabethen 2.5. - 12.5.1999
Plovdiv St. Elena and Konstantin 6.6. - 19.6.1999
Weimar St. Jacob 31.7. - 14.8.1999
Jena Friedenskirche 15. - 31.8.2003

The project started as part of the concert series "33 church concerts for '99". Characteristic sounds which are related to the very rich musical history and contemporary sounds of Weimar were composed into an evolving sound environment - diffused on a multichannel speaker system into a church.

The sound sculpture travelled through different European cities before it "arrived" in July 1999 in Weimar as part of the celebration "Weimar - cultural city 1999".

In each of the cities typical Soundscapes from the local environment were recorded and integrated into the composition. This "growing work in process" traced the sound sculpture's evolutionary path.

Each opening of the sound sculpture was combined with a concert of the "Ensemble für Intuitive Musik" Weimar. The ensemble was reacting directly to the Soundscapes and sounds relating to the musical history of Weimar.

For Weimar the St. Jacob church had been chosen. For a period of two weeks, daily at different times of the day (and night) the "listening gallery" was accessible, to discover and experience new sonic spaces. The multichannel projection was used to play with the enormous space inside a church, to differentiate sound events and to create a sense of sonic movement.

The recordings were made in the following countries:
Belgien, Bolivien, Brasilien, Bulgarien, Columbia, Costa Rica, Deutschland, Ecuador, Frankreich, Holland, Indonesien, Irland, Italien, Malaysia, Mexico, Österreich, Peru, Philippinen, Portugal, Schweiz, Singapur, Spanien, Thailand, Ungarn und Venezuela.


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