Gluten free Garlic Onion Muffins

Peel one onion and slice into medium chunks

put into small kitchen aid

add 2-3 cloves of garlic and mix


In stand mixer

2 cups Celestes flour mix

1 Tablespoon turbinated sugar

2 TEAsp cream of tartar

1 TEAsp baking soda

1 TEAsp konjac powder

1 TEAsp salt


Preheat oven to 400 F


in large metal bowl mix together

1 1/2 TEAsp egg replacer + 2 Tablespoons water (mix)

1 1/2 cups soy milk

3 Tablespoons extra light olive oil

garlic-onion mix


add liquid to dry ingredients and mix with a spatula

fill muffin cups to 2/3 full

bake for 25 minutes