Kümmelstangen (Oma Arnstadt)

preheat oven to 190 C

melt 80g butter

in standmixer
280g Spelt flour
1 egg
100g Quark (Rahm)
1 tea salt
1/2 tea Brotgewürz
molten butter


roll out between 2 sheets of baking paper to ~5-10 mm

beat egg, brush with silicone brush

cut with wheel in long stripes

sprinkle some coarse salt
sprinkle Kümmel

bake for 30 minutes at 190 C


buckwheat crepes

  • Galettes de sarrasin maison : Pour 8 galettes (avec 1 crêpière de 26 cm de diamètre). Mettez 220 g de farine de sarrasin, 1 c. à café de sel, 1 œuf et 250 g d’eau dans le bol, mixez 30 sec/vitesse 5. Ajoutez 250 g d’eau, mixez 10 sec/vitesse 5. Réservez 1 h au réfrigérateur. Mélangez la pâte à l’aide d’une louche. Faites chauffer la crêpière, badigeonnez-la de beurre fondu à l’aide d’un pinceau puis versez une petite louche de pâte. Étalez la pâte en couche fine et faites cuire sur feu moyen à vif. Lorsque le bord de la galette se détache facilement (2 min environ), retournez-la pour cuire l’autre face 30 sec environ. Réservez au besoin au chaud entre deux assiettes, sur une casserole d’eau bouillante.

Klaus sourdough bread – Silicone form – 2023

450 g water in electrical tea kettle
heat about 18 seconds to reach ~40 Celsius

bowl of stand mixer onto scale
measure 425g of the heated water into the bowl

add 330g Rye flour (Roggen, Centeno)
1 teaspoon salt (7 g)
~ 200g sourdough (Vorteig, Massa Madre)
(empty everyting from the glass)

put bread hook onto mixer
mix 1 minute at speed 1

scrape rands down with spatula
to use all dry ingredients

mix 2 minutes at speed 1


put bowl again onto scale
Tare (set to 0)
take out 200g sourdough and put into the same glass (don’t clean the glass)
just take a paper towel and clean the rim so that the lid closes tight
put a rubber band at the hight of the dough to observe how it rises over the next couple of hours
keep at a warm place (25-28 Celsius) till the entire bread baking has finished (6-8 hours)


TARE scale (set to 0)
110g spelt flour (Dinkel, espelta)
1 TBSP (9 g) Brotgewürz (already prepared in the glas jar)
(description at the end of this recipe)
50g sunflower seeds (Sonnenblumenkerne)
40g green pumpkin seeds (Kürbiskerne)

mix 1 min, speed 1

scrape down

mix 2 min, speed 1

take silicone brush and some canola oil and brush
all sides of the brown silicone mold

fill the dough into the form, make a smooth surface

let raise 6-8 hours at a warm place (inside the oven – turned off!)
the dough rises about 30%

after 6-8 hours
take the bread out of the oven !
preheat oven to 170 Celsius
when temperature reached, bake bread 60 min
take out of the mold immediately

grind the grains of these spices all together

90g Kümmel
45g Fenchel
40g Anis
15g Coriander

Quinoa im Termomix (Sylvie)

165 g trockene quinoa in simmering basket
1 liter wasser
3/4 Teelöffel Salz

5 Sekunden Geschwindigkeit 10 (Quinoa spülen)

20 Minuten Veroma, Geschwindigkeit 2

Simmering Basket herausnehmen, mit Gabel ‘fluffig’ rühren


vegane Leberwurst TM6 (Ute)

3/4 Zwiebel
4 EL flüssiges Salz
3 EL Majoran
2 EL Olivenöl

2 Sekunden, speed 5.5


6 Minuten Veroma, reverse speed 1

geräuchterten Tofu in Würfel schneiden

1/2 Glas rote Bohnen

Speed 6

wenn zu fest, noch etwas Olivenöl dazyu

weisse Bohnen (Audelina)

1/2 Zwiebel
1 Schalotte
2 Knoblauchzehen
1 Tomate
optional: etwas rote Paprikaschote 

alles klein schneiden

Oregano und Salz dazu

in Olivenöl anbraten
dann etwas Wasser dazu und ca. 10 Minuten garen lassen

optional: etwas Tomatensauce (tomate frito)

Bohnen aus dem Glas (im Sieb abspülen)

In der Sauce ca. 30 Minuten köcheln lassen

Pizzateig Hefe (Marie)

Mengen für ein Blech

500g Mehl
1 Würfel frisch Hefe (oder zwei Tütchen Hefe Granulat)
250ml lauwarmes Wasser.
100ml lauwarme Milch
2TL Salz
2 TL Zucker

Milch und Wasser abwiegen und in einen Kochtopf mischen, leicht anwärmen

Hefe in etwas dieser Flüssigkeit auflösen
2 TL Zucker dazu
In das Mehl eine Kuhle und darin mit dem Hefe Wasser einen Vorteig ansetzen.
Ca 15 min ziehen lassen.

Dann alle anderen Zutaten dazu und ausgiebig durchkneten (je länger umso besser)
An warmen Ort 30 min gehen lassen.
Auf gut bemehlter Arbeitsfläche, in Handkuhle-große Portionen/Kugeln aufteilen
Nochmal 10 min abgedeckt ruhen lassen.

Dünn ausrollen

belegen mit Tomatensausse etc

50 min bei 150 C Umluft backen


Schokokuchen mit flüssigem Kern (Ute)

Ofen auf 160 C, Umluft vorheizen

150 g Butter
(noch etwas mehr fürs Einfetten der Springform)

6 Eier (separieren)
weiss zu Schnee schlagen mit etwas Salz (mit Handmixer)


Butter im Thermomix (40 C) schmelzen

zur Butter im TM

250g Bitterschokolade (70% rote Packung Mercadona)
180g Zucker
1 EL Vanille
bei 40 C vermischen

wenn Schokolade geschmolzen,

6 Eigelb dazu, ohne Heizung gut vermischen

1/2 TL Backpulver
50g Mehl zufügen (Dinkel oder Weizen)

Butterfly Aufsatz
ca. speed 4, reverse
Eischnee unterheben – nicht zu lange (durch den Deckel beobachten)


Springform mit Butter fetten

26 Minuten bei 160 C backen
Ofen abschalten, noch 2 Minuten drin lassen, dann raus !

Filling for Vegetarian Hallacas (Monica)

2 medium size yellow onions
2 medium-to-large size eggplants diced in ¾” each cubes
1 cup of green olives cut in half
1 cup of black olives cut in half
¼ cup of capers (optional)
2 1/2 cups of previously cooked garbanzo beans
1 spoon of tomato paste
Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

(sliced potatoes, carrots and raisins – to be added when filling the hallacas)

In a large size frying pan, add olive oil and heat up a little bit. Dice 2 onions in very small cubes, adding salt and pepper to taste, and sauté in the prepared pan at low heat for about 7 minutes until the onion looks soft.
Add the diced eggplant, seasoned with more salt and pepper, some more olive oil, and sauté until the eggplant starts to soften.
Add 1 spoon of tomato paste and the 2 cups of olives, mixing well until the tomato paste dissolves. Let is cook for about 2 minutes.
Add the garbanzo beans, mixing all ingredients, and sauté for about 5 minutes.
Add a little bit of liquid to the mix, to create a mildly creamy texture. Check the flavor and add more salt and pepper if needed.
Remove from the heat and let cool down for about 1 hours before making the hallacas.

When making the hallacas, I put sliced potatoes, sliced carrots, and raisins to the masa of each hallaca before adding the vegetarian filling.

Schwarze Johannisbeeren Torte (Katrin)


125g Butter
100g Zucker
3 Eier

etwas schaumig schlagen
dann dazu:

2 EL Kakao
200g gemahlene Haselnüsse oder Mandeln
1 TL Backpulver

bei 200 grad C ca 20 Minuten bei Ober/Unterhitze backen

2 Gläser Schwarze Johannisbeeren (a 525g)

Früchte abgiessen
400g Saft aufkochen
100g Saft (kalt) mit 4 EL Kartoffelstärke verquirlen
wenn Saft kocht, den kalten mit Stärke unterrühren, bis er wieder aufkocht und verdickt
von der Flamme nehmen und Früchte vorsichtig untermischen

auf den Tortenboden verteilen und auskühlen lassen


mit Schlagsahne servieren

Klaus Sauerteigbrot 2022

(amounts for one bread – Utes Kastenform)

In TM 6
680 g water
45 seconds, 100 C

525 g Centeno
11 g salt
6 TBSP Massa Madre (ca 150 g)

2 minutes, reverse, speed 5
(hold spatula inside)

scrape down

1 minutes, reverse, speed 5

take out 6 TBSP massa madre (190 g)

175g spelt (espelta)
1 1/2 TBSP (14g) Brotgewürz
50g Sonnenblumenkerne
50g Kürbiskerne

3 min, reverse, speed 6

baking sheet into form

in leicht geölte Kastenform füllen, glatt streichen,
mit nassem Messer tief mittig einschneiden

let raise 6-8 hours
bake 60 min, 170 C, Umluft

Instant Pot Basmati Rice

Since we’re al dente fans, our perfect Indian basmati rice is Test 3’s results – fully cooked, firm with a bite, yet has a tint of softness. But if you prefer softer basmati rice, follow Test 5’s ratios and pressure cooking methods.

  • Softer Rice: If you enjoy softer rice, increase the liquid amount rather than cooking time.
  • Rinsing the Rice: If you’re rinsing the rice, it’ll throw off the rice-to-water ratio. So, be sure to reduce 3 tablespoons of water from the 1 cup of water stated in the recipe.

Instant Pot Ratatouille (Vegetable Stew)

Instant pot ratatouille! This is a classic French vegetable stew made in a pressure cooker. This pressure cooker vegetarian recipe is packed with summer vegetables that your body would love. This stew is typically on the stove top but why wait hours for it to simmer when you can have it on your dinner table in 30 minutes. Serve this nutritious stew with crusty homemade bread, pasta or rice.


  • Instant Pot


  • 1 large eggplant also known as aubergine chopped
  • 2 Zucchini chopped (courgette in the UK or squash)
  • 1 lb fresh Tomatoes chopped substitute with canned chopped tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup onions chopped
  • 1 cup red bell peppers chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • Salt to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon tomato puree
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • ½ cup vegetable stock


  • Cut the veggies into cubes and set aside.
  • Turn on your instant pot and select saute (more settings), add olive oil and leave until hot.
  • Add chopped onions and saute until soft (this should take about 3 minutes) add chopped garlic and continue to stir for another minute.
  • Next, add in the chopped zucchini, eggplant and red bell pepper and continue to saute for another 2 minutes. Followed by the tomato puree, basil, thyme, salt and the chopped tomatoes. Mix to combine for another minute.
  • Finally, pour the vegetable stock over it, stir to combine making sure nothing sticks to the bottom of the pan and if there is, make sure to scrape it off to avoid getting a BURN notice.
  • Secure the lid of the instant pot and turn the valve to the seal position. Select the manual or pressure cook button then cook on high pressure for 3 minutes.
  • Once the cycle is completed, carefully do a quick release. Stir to combine, if there is too much liquid in the ratatouille, turn on the saute function and stir until the liquid reduces in size.
  • Serve as desired and enjoy.

apple sauce cake (internet)

1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup turbinated cane sugar
1 cup chilled applesauce
2 cups spelt flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 cup raisins

standmixer with k-hook
1/2 cup butter or butterspread
1/2 cup turbinated cane sugar

speed 4, 5 min


1 cup chilled applesauce

speed 4, 2 min

preheat oven to 350 F

in separate metal bowl, whisk together
2 cups spelt flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

add dry ingredients

speed 2, 2 min

1/2 cup raisins

speed 2, 2 min


grease and flour 8 inch square pan

bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 40 minutes
Serve warm


Carrot Cake 2021 (Monica)

Carrot Cake (Ina Garten and Monica)



1 cup turbinated cane sugar
1 1/3 cups canola oil (or sunflower)
3 extra-large eggs (or 4 medium) at room temperature
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 3/4 cups spelt flour
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 cup raisins (previously soaked in whiskey or rum)
1 Lb. carrots, grated (3 to 4 large carrots)
1/2 cup diced fresh pineapple
The juice of one orange (or 1/2 cup of fresh squeezed orange juice)




3 large eggs in warm water

in stand mixer with K-hook (measure on balance)
1 cup turbinated cane sugar (210 g)
1 1/3 cups canola oil (275 g)

4 medium or 3 large eggs

speed 4, 5 minutes

Add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.


In another bowl, sift

2 3/4 cups spelt flour (390 g) OR: (300 spelt, 100 almond)
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 ½ teaspoons salt.


grate 350g carrots

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.


add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients
speed 2, 1 minute

add 1 cup of raisins
add 1/2 cup orange juice
1 cup pineapple chunks (250 g)

speed 2, 2 min

Fold in the 1 lb. grated carrots
mix well.

Butter and flour a Bundt cake pan

Place the batter in the prepared Bundt pan and bake for 55 to 60 minutes, or until a toothpick or knife comes out clean.

Ute’s seed bread TM6 + standmixer

two breads
(I lowered all amounts by 10% to fit into the Standmixer)
TM6 (only used to grind seeds)
360g flax
90g buckwheat
grind 30 seconds, speed 9
transfer to stand mixer metal bowl (put on scale)
add to standmixer bowl
110g Amaranth flour
360g sunflower seeds
160g pumpkin seeds
125g sesame seeds
80g Psyllium Husk
100g chia seeds
55g Hemp shells
2 Ts salt
2 Ts Brotgewürz
with K-Haken
mix 1 minute, speed 4
boil 1.1 l spring water
oil the two baking forms (one large and the yellow one)
AND cut parchment paper to sides
preheat oven to 200C (395F)
add 3 TBSP Tahini ( if not semi-liquid, previously softened in a bit of hot water)
2 minutes, speed 3
weigh 510 g of boiling water into large glass measuring cup
add to stand mixer
2 minutes, speed 4-6 (cover opening to prevent dough spilling out)
weigh again 510 g of boiling water into large glass measuring cup
add to stand mixer while in operation
2 minutes, speed 4-6 (cover opening to prevent dough spilling out)
transfer to forms
press dough into form
make deep incision in center, soften edge with finger !!!! 
bake 65 minutes at 200C (395F)

Mandel Kuchen (Monica) almond cake

175g Butter, flüssig
150 g Dinkel Mehl
55 g Mandel Mehl
1⁄2 Tl Salz
170g Zucker
100g Marzipan
3 Eigelb (Raumtemperatur)
1 1/2 Tl Almond extract
220g Joghurt (40%)
3/4 Tl Natron Pulver


Ofen auf 160 C vorheizen

3 Eier (aus dem Kühlschrank erst einmal in handwarmes Wasser legen – sollen am Ende wie Raumtemperatur sein)

175g Butter in kleinem Topf auf kleiner Flamme verflüssigen

Springform 26cm mit Backpapier auslegen
(über Boden legen und mit einspannen, überstehendes Papier abschneiden)

Springform (das Backpapier) mit flüssiger Butter bestreichen – auch die Wände der Form – und Form in das Tiefkühlfach
(oder Kühlschrank)

Im Standmixer flüssige Butter und 170g Zucker schaumig rühren
(5 Minuten – höchste Stufe)

100g Marzipan in kleine Stückchen schneiden

Marzipan zur Butter-Zucker-Masse hinzufügen
rühren, bis Marzipan aufgelöst ist (auf mittlerer Stufe)

150g Dinkelmehl durch Sieb rühren
55g Mandelmehl durch Sieb rühren
1/2 Tl Salz zufügen und zur Seite stellen

Eigelb vom Eiweiss trennen (das Eiweiss wird nicht verwendet)

Eigelb einzeln zum Mixer zugegen und bei mittlerer Geschwindigkeit unterrühren

2 Röhrchen Mandel Extrakt (ca. 1 1/2 bis 2 TL) unterrühren

215g Quark (40%) mit 3/4 Teelöffel Natron (4g) in mittlerer Schüssel verrühren
das geht dann noch auf – also Platz in der Schüssel lassen
stehen lassen und nach 2-3 Minuten zum Mixer zufügen und verrühren

auf langsamer Stufe das Mehl in zwei Portionen unterrühren

Kuchenmasse in Springform giessen und glatt streichen

50 Minuten bei 160 C backen

15 Minuten auskühlen lassen, am Rand mit Plastikmesser rundherum schneiden

Springform öffnen und Kurchen auf der Bodenplatte auskühlen lassen



Pancakes with fresh fruit salad

(makes 4 small pancakes – perfect quantity for 2 people)

cut berries, add 1 TBSP of maple syrup and set aside

melt 1 1/2 TBSP butter

in large metal bowl mix

3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1  1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 TBSP white sugar

mix with whisk
make well in the middle, add

1/2 cup milk
1 egg
melted butter

mix until smooth

grease both small gray pans with a bit of the remaining butter from the melting pot
on front flames, a bit higher than the lowest

Pour one scoop of the batter
Brown on both sides and serve hot

Split pea or lentil soup with carrot (TM6)

in TM6
quartered onion
2 garlic
3 carrots (cut into smaller pieces)
2 TBSP olive oil

1 piece of peeled fresh garlic
1 tsp brotgewürz
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp minces ginger
1/2 tsp garlic powder

3 sec, speed 5


5 min, sauté, reverse 0.5

16 oz dried lentils (or split peas), rinsed
38 oz water
1/2 tsp (not more!) better bouillons paste

40 minutes, 100 C, reverse 1.0

add leaves of cilantro
juice of 1/2 lemon
add some more water if needed

20 min, 100 C, reverse 1.0

Almond cake (Monica)

1 1/2 stick butter, softened (175g)
1 cup sifted spelt flour
1/2 cup almond flour
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 of a 7 ounce tube almond paste (3.5 oz)
3 egg yolks, room temperature (or 4 small)
1 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
3/4 cup sour cream or yogurt
3/4 teaspoon baking soda



melt 1 1/2 sticks (175g) of butter on low heat
put parchment paper on bottom of blue spring form (9 inch)
butter paper and sides with silicon brush
put form in freezer


heat 3 eggs in warm water

in stand mixer with K-hook
beat 1 1/2 sticks butter (liquid) and 3/4 cup granulated sugar (170g) at high speed (10) until fluffy,
5 minutes.

cut 5 oz. (100g) almond paste in to small pieces

add almond paste
at medium speed (4) beat 8 minutes.


sift into large metal bowl
1 cup spelt flour (150g)
1/2 cup almond flour (55g)

add 1/2 tsp salt (2 g)
set aside

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. (160 C)

beat in 3 egg yolks, one at a time

add 1 1/2 tsp almond extract

In glass measuring cup
3/4 tsp baking soda (4 g)
mix 3/4 cup sour cream or yogurt (215g)
(I used two small blueberry yogurts, trying to not take too much of the fruit on the bottom) 

add to butter mixture (still speed 4)

reduce mixer speed to 2 and gradually add flour mixture in 2 batches,
just until blended.

pour batter into springform and spread evenly.
bake 50 minutes (put springform on baking sheet)

Cool in pan on wire rack for a few minutes,
take small ceramic knife and separate cake from walls
remove spring form ring
let cool cake on the plate

When ready to serve, sift confectioners’ sugar on top and slice like pie.

Lebanese Lentil Soup (Monica)

Lebanese Lentil Soup with Ruby Swiss Chard and Lemon
(Adas bi Hamood, pronounced: aud-dus bee haum-mood)

boil 1.7 l water in electric kettle 

In wide/high Calphalon stainless steel pasta pot 
1 1/2 cup brown lentils (rinsed) 
add 8 cups boiling water (= 1.7 liter)
1/2 tsp salt
simmer for 20 minutes

in TM6
1 onion
8 TBSP olive oil (80g)
3 seconds, speed 5

scrape down
1 tsp brotgewürz (don’t put it in the center on the blade)
1/4 tsp salt

10 minutes, 100C, speed 1

press 4 garlic cloves into a small bowl
add 1/2 tsp salt and mix

rinse swiss chard, discard red middle stalks
cut each leaf in half, lengthwise
cut the leaves into 1-inch slices

clean 2/3 bunch cilantro
(leaves + soft part of stems)


add chard, cilantro, garlic to TM6
2 min, 100C, reverse 2.5

add TM6 mixture to lentils
add 2 TBSP lemon juice

increase the heat to high
once the mixture comes to a boil, reduce the heat to medium-low
simmer covered for 10 minutes

cool for 15 minutes


quiche with cod TM6

200g green beans
2 pieces of cod

250g Spelt flour
125g butter (1 stick + 1 TBSP)
1 stalk Leek

1 zucchini
1/2 onion
5 eggs

6 slices of goat cheese

preheat oven to 380 F

in the round food processor with the dough blade (!)
250g Spelt flour
125g butter (1 stick + 1 TBSP) cut into smaller pieces
1/2 Tea salt

on speed 2 for 2 minutes, till texture sandy

blue Springform (26cm) with baking paper (wrapped around the bottom) and also oil
Press the dough onto the bottom of the form

pre-cook the dough for 15 min.


1/2 onion
1  clove of garlic
2 seconds, speed 6

1 TBSP oil
105 C, 8 minutes, slow speed

add to TM6
precut leeks
precut zucchini
(don’t add any liquid)

1/2 Tea Salt

2 seconds speed 4
scrape down
5 minutes, 120C, reverse speed 1.5

precut cod

in medium metal bowl whisk together:
5 eggs
1/2 tea salt
1 tea adobo

add eggs to TM6
1 minute, forward speed 3

when the dough is pre-cooked, put some more oil on the walls of the form

distribute the cut fish on the dough

pour in the mixture

lower temp to 360
bake for 20 minutes

cover with 6 slices of goat cheese

bake for 15 minutes

let cool for 10 minutes

cut with slim knife around the form before opening it
slowly open the Springform


Golden Milk

Combine the milk and latte mix in a sauce pan and heat over medium

  • Whisk the latte to help dissolve the spices
  • Let the latte come just to a simmer and remove from heat
  • Strain before serving or frothing
  • Add sweetener (like honey)
  • Optional: froth the latte with a frother wand in a tall cup
  • Pour in your mug and enjoy!

Quinoa & Mung Dal, TM6, Ayurvedic


3 portions


soak 1/3 cup mung beans

rinse 80 g quinoa

in TM6

1/4 tsp ground ginger
chop 5 sec, speed 7

Scrape down

15 grams Ghee (1 1/2 TBSP)
1/4 tsp cumin seeds
1/4 tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp ground ginger

3 min, 120 degrees, speed 1

Scrape the bowl base and set another 2 min, 120 degrees, speed 2

1/4 bunches Kale, washed in warm water & roughly chopped
1 carrot, washed in warm water & chopped in to cubes
1/2 inch finger-thick fresh ginger
add quinoa and mung beans

500 grams filtered water

20 minutes, 105 C, speed 2 Counter-clockwise

1/4 tsp sea salt

30 secs, speed 2.5 Counter-clockwise

Top with a squeeze of lemon juice (1/4 lemon) and fresh (cilantro) coriander


In Ayurveda, this is a Tri-doshic dish. Meaning all Dosha types will benefit from eating it.

mung beans (indian) instant pot

soak 1 cup of mung beans

instant pot
sauté function

4 Tbsp canola oil or other neutral-flavoured oil
heat up


1 Tbsp whole cumin seeds
cook them for approximately one minute, until they sizzle

2 cloves garlic crushed
and sauté for 3-4 minutes until it has browned,
but watch it very carefully so that it doesn’t burn.

14 oz can crushed tomatoes
stir to combine

2 Tbsp freshly grated ginger

1 tsp brotgewürz
(2 Tbsp ground coriander, 1 tsp turmeric)
1 tsp sea salt

Sauté this mixture for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.

2 cups water
1 cup mung beans picked over for stones and well rinsed

Place the lid Instant Pot
manual pressure HIGH
10 minutes

Allow the pressure to release naturally

Stir in
14 oz can coconut milk
1-2 medium limes juiced
1/2 cup fresh cilantro chopped

Kassler (Honigschinken) Katrin

Suppengemüse (Zwiebel, Möhren, Porree etc) in Topf

1.5 kg Kassler mit Wasser bedeckt kochen (1.5 Stunden)

Brühe (nur die Flüssigkeit) entnehmen

Butter + Mehl = Mehlschwitze
mit der Brühe ablöschen (etwas dicker)
+ Meerretting (kurz aufkochen lassen)

Kartoffelklösse Katrin

4 Personen

1.5 kg geschälte Kartoffeln
normal kochen mit Salz
100g Mehl
100g Kartoffelstärke
2 Eigelb

alles kneten (Teig muss nicht heiss sein)

Bröckchen rein

20-30 min ziehen lassen, bis sie nach oben kommen.

Klaus Sauerteig Broty

24 h vor dem Backen

100 g Teig vom letzten mal (Roggen und Wasser)
180g Roggen
180g Wasser

10 Stunden bei 28 C

+ 180g Roggen
+ 180g Wasser

schön geschmeidig kneten (wenn zu hart, etwas mehr Wasser dazu)

9 Stunden bei 26 C

das ergab ca. 820 g “Pampe”

davon 100g für das nächste Brot abnehmen


also 720 g Teig
120g Dinkelmehl
10g Brotgewürz
6g Salz
60g Körner

rühren (im Automat)

3 Studen rühren/ruhen

1 Stunde backen



broccoli cream soup (TM 6)

50g aged gouda cheese (cut manually into small cubes)
500g water
460g broccoli (one bag frozen)
1 tbs vegetable stock paste
1 TBSP olive oil

2 TBSP cottage cheese or Boursin cheese with herbs

salt and pepper


in TM 6
500g water
460g broccoli florets (frozen is fine)
1 tsp vegetable stock paste

20 minutes, 100C, speed 1.

Add 200g cream, cook 5 minutes, temperature 100C, speed 1.

Add the grated cheese and process for a further 1 minute on speed 2.

cut aged gouda in small pieces manually

add cheese, mix

fish in coconut sauce (Monica)

 Fish Stew in Coconut Sauce (Pescado Guisado en Salsa de Coco)



2 lbs of fresh or previously frozen Cod (or other white flesh fish)

3 cloves garlic (diced or crushed)

1 onion, diced small

½ red pepper, diced small

½ green pepper, diced small

1 small tomato, diced small

4 to 5 green onions (cebollin), diced small

1 cup of coconut milk

Salt, Pepper, and adobo (to taste. The adobo is optional)

Olive Oil



  1. Cut 2 lbs of fish in pieces of about 6-7” long and lightly season it with salt, pepper, adobo, and a little bit of olive oil (don’t salt too much, as the sofrito will also have salt). Let it rest for 10 – 15 minutes.
  2. On a medium to large size Sautee pan, add enough olive oil to Sautee 3 cloves of diced garlic, 1 diced onion, ½ diced red pepper, ½ green pepper, 1 diced tomato, and 4-5 green diced onions; add salt and pepper, and cook these vegetables until soft.
  3. When the vegetables are soft and creamy, add the coconut milk and let it cook at medium heat for about 4-5 minutes.
  4. Add the cod filets and cook them covered for 3 minutes, then uncover them and turn the fish adding some of the sauce on top. Taste the fish and adjust salt as needed, then cook for another 3 minutes (uncovered, if there is too much liquid).





Sellerie Wurzel + Kartoffel creme suppe (TM 6)

  • 1Zwiebel (40 g) 
  • 100 g Kartoffeln 
  • 750 g Knollensellerie 
  • 1 1/2 EL (à 10 g) Öl 
  • 1 l Gemüsebrühe (Instant) 
  • 2 Scheiben (à 25 g) Toastbrot 
  • 1/2 Bund Petersilie 
  • Salz 
  • weißer Pfeffer 
  • 75 g Crème légere (15 % Fett) 
  • Petersilie 

in TM 6

1 onion
2 sec, speed 5

1 TBSP olive oil
10 min, 105 C, speed 0.5

peel and dice 2 small potatoes (160 g)
peel and dice sellerie (780 g)

add diced potatoe and sellerie to TM 6
add 1 TBSP oil

5 min, 105 C, reverse 2

add 2 cups broth
add 2 cups water
25 min (!), 100 C, speed 1

mix with increasing speed

add salt to taste

 Brühe ablöschen.2.Aufkochen lassen und zugedeckt ca. 20 Minuten bei mittlerer Hitze garen. Inzwischen Brot in kleine Rauten schneiden. Restliches Öl in einer beschichteten Pfanne erhitzen, Brot zufügen und bei schwacher Hitze unter Wenden rösten.3.Inzwischen Petersilie waschen, trocken tupfen und fein hacken. Hälfte der Petersilie über die Brotrauten streuen. 1 Esslöffel Selleriewürfel aus der Suppe nehmen und zur Seite stellen. Restliches Gemüse in der Brühe mit einem Pürierstab pürieren.4.Mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Suppe mit einem Klecks Crème légere, mit Coutons, Selleriewürfelchen und restlicher Petersilie bestreut servieren. Nach Belieben mit Petersilie garnieren.


Pumpkin pie (Monica)

melt one stick butter and let cool


in square blender

2 cups of milk (use stripes on blender)

7 eggs (6 large)

1 tsp all spice

1 tsp cinnamon

20 seconds, speed 3


preheat oven to 350 F


add to blender

1 cup of sugar

1 can of condensed milk

1/2 cup of flour (bread)

 butter (canola oil could work too)

2 cans of pumpkin (small) – or one large
fill up to the 9cup line (there will be some pumpkin leftover not fitting in there)

blend all well

put parchment on bottom of blue springform and oil paper + walls

place on baking sheet

bake for about an hour

bread spice


60 g Caraway seeds (Kümmel)
30 g Fennel seeds (Fenchelsamen)
25 g Anise seeds (Anissamen)
10 g Coriander seeds (Koriander)


mix 30 seconds, speed 10

Eggplant (Monica)

peal 2 eggplants (room temp) leaving stripes of skin
Cut eggplant in disks and each into 6 triangles

put into large metal bowl with 1 tsp salt, mix well

put into colander and let drain for 30 min.

preheat oven to 380F
mix eggplant with some olive oil, salt and pepper

put on baking sheet, bake for about 30-40 min. Till tender


cut 1 large onion

8 garlic

3-4 shallots

heat 2 TBSP olive oil in large cast iron pan

add onions and 1 tsp salt

cook for 8 min

add 1 can of garbanzo

1 tsp dry mint or 2 TBSP fresh mint

2 cups of boiling water

1/3 cup tomato paste

simmer for 5-8 min, covered

Cut 1 tomato, add to sauce and take from heat source, set aside covered


once eggplant is soft, add to sauce and fold into it, put on high heat, once boiling reduce to medium heat and cook for 6 min

take from heat, stir in 1 TBSP olive oil






Dinkel-Kamut Brot mit Quinoa Sprossen (Brotpassion)

quinoa sprouts – 3 days

day one 10 a.m

Kamut Sauerteig Starter:

Alles miteinander verrühren und 10 bis 13 Stunden bei Raumtemperatur reifen lassen.


ca. 19 Uhr


  • 400g Dinkel 630
  • Vorteig
  • 120g Kamutmehl hell
  • 150g Quinoa Sprossen (gut abgetropft)
  • 360g Wasser (35 C)

Alle Zutaten miteinander vermengen und so lange mit den Händen kneten, bis der Teig sich gut vom Schüsselrand löst

dehnen + falten (1)
abgedeckt 30 Minuten bei Raumtemperatur stehen lassen.


  • 11g Salz
  • 15g Wasser

Salz in Wasser auflösen, auf den Teig geben und in den Teig einarbeiten,

dehnen + falten (2)
abgedeckt weitere 30 Minuten gehen lassen


dehnen + falten (3)
abgedeckt weitere 30 Minuten gehen lassen


erneut dehnen + falten (4)

und eine Ruhepause von ca. zwei bis zweieinhalb Stunden gönnen.

dehnen + falten,
abgedeckt weitere 30 Minuten gehen lassen


23:45 Uhr

Reismehl auf Arbeitsfläche
Gärkörbchen mehlen
zu Kugel falten, etwas bemehlen

in Gärkörbchen legen (mit Schluss nach oben)
abgedeckt im Kühlschrank bei 5°C für 17 bis 20 Stunden parken


day 2 – 5 p.m.

preheat oven to 480 F with black cast iron pot and lid for 30 minutes

precut parchment paper
put bread from fridge and cut with sharp knife

after preheating 30 minutes
lift bread with the paper into the pot

bake for 10 minutes
lower temp to 400 F

bake for 40 minutes
remove lid

bake for 5 minutes



Anstellgut Rest Brot (Krustenbrot schnell – 3 Stunden Gehzeit)


  • 2 g active dry yeast
  • 1 TL Rohrohrzucker
  • 50 g + 200 g Wasser
  • 200 g Roggenanstellgut (ungefütterter Sauerteig)
  • 50 g Roggenmehl (Vollkorn oder was Du da hast)
  • 100 g Dinkelvollkornmehl (alternativ Weizenvollkornmehl)
  • 300 g Dinkelmehl Type 1050 (alternativ Weizenmehl Type 1050)
  • 2 TL Steinsalz
  • 1 TL Brotgewürz

in small metal measuring cup

1/2 tsp dry yeast (2 g)
50 ml water (37 Celsius)
1 tsp brown sugar
mix with handmixer (just one attachment)

let sit for 5 minutes

pour into kitchenaid mixer


200g starter
200g water
50 g Rye flour (farm)
400 g spelt flour (sprouted)
2 tsp salt
1 tsp Brotgewürz

with bread hook, 10 minutes, speed 2

put a bit of rice flour on IKEA cutting board
work dough into a ball with some stretch and fold

let rise in covered bowl for 3 hours (on WIFI router)


stretch and fold in the glass bowl
end with a ball

cut parchmet paper for black cast iron

put bread onto parchment and lift into the cold pot
spray with some water
cover and put into cold oven
heat to 450 F

set timer to 45 minutes

after 45 minutes

open lid

bake for another 10 minutes


sourdough cracker

sourdough cracker

for 2 baking sheets

in large bowl

1 TBSP Chia
2 TBSP Flax seeds
2 TBSP Sesame Seeds
1 tsp salt
2 tsp brotgewürz
100g sprouted spelt flour

whisk dry ingredients together

preheat oven to 360 F

add to dry ingredients
260g sourdough
60g Flax oil (or Olive oil)

mix well

divide into two batches
cut parchment paper to size of baking sheet
put rolling silicone mat on counter and place parchment paper on top of it

roll one batch on the parchment paper to 2 mm
cut with roller

transfer parchment to baking sheet

treat second batch the same

bake the two sheets on the two racks for 13 min
exchange the two sheets (lower goes up, upper goes down)

and rotate them
bake 13 min again

when doing 4 sheets (the double amount) bake the second round only for 11 and 11 minutes


black beans (Monica)

wash 1 pound of beans
put in cast iron covered with water
boil, switch off, dump water

add again cold water, twice the amount of beans

add about 1/2 cup of
chopped onion
chopped pepper
chopped green onion
2 garlic

little salt,

simmer for about 1 hour, low heat
check the softness
don’t dump the liquid

freeze individually

Monica does not put much salt in the first step to let them soften better
but she wants them to have some taste to use them in salads etc.


after thawing


1 onion
1 1/2 pepper
3 garlic
green onion

add to the bean, cook at medium heat for 20 minutes
dependent on the consistency

baked flounder fillet with lemon

1 pounds flounder fillets (or sole)

in TM6
quarter one onion
2 seconds, speed 6

add 2 TBSP butter
2 TBSP lemon juice

4 TBSP white wine
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp salt

10 minutes, 100 C, speed 1


Preheat oven to 325 F/165 C

Grease rectangular glass dish

Cut the flounder fillets into serving-size portions.
Arrange pieces in the prepared baking dish (one first layer)

Pour half of the lemon-butter mixture over the first layer

cut rest of fish into pieces and arrange as second layer

Pour rest of the lemon-butter mixture over it


bake at 325 F for 20-25 minutes

cut Cilantro finely and sprinkle over, once served on the plates

Sourdough Spelt (swiss)


21:30 Uhr

100 g Wasser, ca. 30 Grad warm
40 g ASG
100 g UrDinkel Ruchmehl (Dinkelmehl Type 1050)

ASG zum Wasser in eine Schüssel geben und zusammen vermischen.
Mehl dazugeben und alles gut verkneten
mit plastikfolie abdecken, über Nacht bei ca. 20 grad gären lassen


100 g UrDinkel Vollkornmehl
150 g Wasser

Wasser aufkochen
direkt über das Mehl giessen und alles klumpenfrei mischen
mit Frischhaltefolie zugedeckt im Kühlschrank zwischen 8-12 Std. gären lassen.


nächster Morgen

Falls sich nach 8-12 Std. Dein Sauerteig noch nicht verdoppelt hat, empfehle ich dem Hauptteig etwa 10 g Frischhefe beizugeben.


in Küchenmaschine

240 g Wasser, ca. 35 Grad (210-250g – je nach Mehl)
Sauerteig Vorteig
380 g UrDinkel Ruchmehl (Dinkelmehl Type 1050)
13 g Salz

3-4 Min. mischen auf Geschwindigkeit 1-2
10 Min. mischen bei Geschwindigkeit 4
3 MIn. mischen bei Geschwindigkeit 5

Mit der “Fensterprobe” den Teig prüfen. Wenn der Teig noch klebrig ist und reisst, weiter kneten, bis er die Fensterprobe besteht.

rechteckiges Pyrex mit Olivenöl einstreichen, Teig rein, abdecken
für 2-4 Std. bei Raumtemperatur gären lassen.

nach 30 minuten stretchen und falten

Hierzu ziehst Du an einer Seite des Teiges diesen in der Schüssel leicht hoch und legst den Teig an den gegenüberliegenden Schüsselrand. Dies geht am besten, wenn Du Deine Hände vorgängig in etwas Wasser tunkst.

Dann den Teig wieder zudecken und für die restliche Gärdauer ruhen lassen.
Noch drei mal stretchen und falten vor dem Backen

Parchment paper zuschneiden auf schwarzen Gusseisentopf.

Den Backofen mit Gusseisentopf  und Deckel auf 480F (250 C)
Ober-Unterhitze vorheizen. Ohne Umluft.
Wahrscheinlich muss ich den Topf etwas länger drin lassen, damit
er auf die Temperatur kommt, auch wenn der Ofen schon auf 480 F ist.


Nach der Gärzeit den Teig auf eine bemehlte Arbeitsfläche stürzen (Reismehl)
und den Teig von oben und unten einmal in die Mitte falten. Danach die linke Seite des Teiges in die Mitte legen und die rechte Seite des Teiges darüber legen.

Anschliessend dieses «Teigpaket» mit etwas Mehl stauben,
mit dem Verschluss nach oben auf das Backpapier
legen und in den heissen Gusseisentopf versenken.

Deckel schliessen und den Topf zurück in den Ofen geben.

Das Brot im Topf für 40 Min. backen.

Deckel entfernen
die Ofentemperatur auf 410 F (210 C) Grad reduzieren
für weitere 10-15 Min. knusprig ausbacken

Nach dem Backen das Brot auf einem Gitter auskühlen lassen.

In einem Stoffbeutel (oder einem Brotkasten) ca. 3-5 Tage.
In Folie eingepackt und tiefgekühlt ca. 2 Monate.

Gut zu wissen

Wenn Du ein kleines Stück des Teiges dünn auseinanderziehst und durch das „Teigfenster” eine Zeitung lesen kannst, ist der Teig genügend geknetet und für die Weiterverarbeitung perfekt.


Grundsätzlich können aus allen meinen Rezepten zu Kleinbrote (Semmel, Brötchen) auch sog. Grossbrote, also Brote (und natürlich auch aus den Grossbroten Brötchen) gebacken werden. Hierzu kann die Backtemperatur so belassen werden, allerdings muss die Backzeit je nach Grösse der Brote angepasst werden. Die untenstehenden Werte sind Richtwerte, jeder Ofen backt wieder anders:

Als Fausregel gilt:

Teiggewicht / Backdauer

40-200 g – 25-30 Min.

300-600 g – 30-40 Min.

600-900 g – 40-50 Min.

900-1200 g – 50-60 Min.

Wenn Du auf die Unterseite des Brotes klopfst und es sich „hohl“ anhört, dann ist es fertig gebacken. Wenn es allerdings dumpf klingt, sollte es noch 5-10 Minuten gebacken werden.

Sauerteig Marvin herstellen

20201201 11 Uhr
AST Marvin – halbe Menge angesetzt

10g Klaus Honig
25g Dinkel (Farm) gesiebt
75g Brotmehl (Ksusha)
75g Quellwasser

Alle Zutaten in eine Schüssel füllen und gut mit den Händen kneten, bis ein weicher Teig entsteht. Die Schüssel fest verschließen (am besten mit einer Haube, so kann man den Teig beim Wachsen beobachten) und bei Raumtemperatur 36 bis 48 Stunden stehen lassen, bis der Teig sich gelockert und einen Alkoholgeruch entwickelt hat. Um für die Bakterien optimale Arbeitsbedingungen zu schaffen Schüssel während der gesamten Fermentation zugedeckt lassen.

Ich liess ihn 2 Tage auf dem Metallregal im Computerraum bei ca 21-25 Grad.

20201203 6 Uhr
Teig Temperatur 21.4 C

zum bisherign Teig hinzügen:

140g Brotmehl (Ksusha)
15g Dinkel (Farm)
75g Wasser

vermengen, dann zu einer Kugel formen
Schüssel auswaschen und Kugel wieder rein,
abdecken und weitere 24 Stunden auf Metallregal reifen lassen.


20201204 8 Uhr
Teig Temperatur 21.0 C

Schritt 3

alle Mengen von hier an halbieren !!!!



• 50 g Teigmischung aus Schritt 2 (Rest in grosses Glas im Kühlschrank)
• 100 g Weizenmehl 550 (Brotmehl Ksusha)
• 50 g Wasser (das war zu wenig Wasser für diese Teigart), habe noch etwas zugefügt.
Ball geformt und in hohes Glas, abgedeckt
rund 24 Stunden bei Raumtemperatur gehen lassen.

Schritt 4
Marvin fühlt sich wohl, wenn er sichtlich gewachsen ist. Der Sauerteig kommt jetzt für 2 Tage (mild-säuerliche Brote) oder 4 bis 5 Tage (säuerliche Brote) in den Kühlschrank in das oberste Fach. Dort herrschen optimale Bedingungen für ihn.
Er ist zur Weiterverarbeitung bereit, wenn er unter der Haut eine gelbliche Farbe hat und leicht butterig riecht. Anfangs bilden sich noch wenige Bläschen, aber von Fütterung zu Fütterung erhält Marvin seine typisch feste grobporige Struktur.
Sollte Marvin mal stechend riechen, dann ist er mehr als reif für eine Fütterung. Auch wenn die Hautoberfläche etwas dunkel oder wässerig geworden ist, weil er länger nicht gefüttert wurde – so ist sein Herz intakt. Die Oberfläche entfernen und wie gewohnt füttern. Solange Marvin vom Schimmel nicht befallen ist lässt er sich gut reaktivieren.

Nun kann Marvin im Kühlschrank nachreifen und ist bald fertig für seinen ersten Einsatz

Marvins Fütterung
Die Fütterung erfolgt immer nach demselben Prinzip: ein Teil Wasser + ein Teil Sauerteig + 2 Teile Mehl, also genauso viel Wasser wie Sauerteig + doppelte Menge an Mehl
50g Sauerteig Marvin + 50g Wasser + 50g Weizenmehl 550 + 50g Dinkelvollkornmehl
50g Marvin Grundansatz werden in 50g Zimmer-warmen Wasser aufgelöst. Zum im Wasser gelösten Sauerteig kommt das Mehl hinzu. Alle Zutaten mit den Händen kneten bis sie sich verbunden haben –  aus der Masse eine feste, geschmeidige Teigkugel formen, die eine glatte Oberfläche ohne Risse aufzeigt.

Bei schmalen Gefäßen forme ich Marvin nicht zu einer Kugel sondern zu einer Art Schnecke wie im Bild zu sehen.
Nach der Fütterung kann Marvin direkt im Kühlschrank geparkt werden oder ein paar Stunden bei Raumtemperatur reifen, bis er entweder für das Backen verwendet wird oder aufgepolstert in den Kühlschrank zur Nachreife kommt.


spelt + kamut sourdough bread (Hans)

day 1

10 a.m. take starter from the fridge, place on WIFI router

12 a.m. add 30g flour and 30g water, mix well, place on WIFI router

4 p.m. put the dough together (cover with plastic)

in large green ceramics bowl
35g starter
240ml water
mix with hand
170g spelt flour (sieved)
170g kamut flour
1 tea salt
mix roughly
cover with plastic

put 100g starter in the fridge, write date on it
keep the rest separate for pancakes

5 p.m. – 9 p.m. pulls and folds

after last pull, leave on the countertop, covered
18C – 20C for 8-10 hours

day 2

8:30 a.m.
put rice flour in the banneton
pulls and folds
put the dough into the banneton
lift sides to sprinkle rice flour on the sides
sprinkle some rice flour on the top
cover, place in the fridge

7 p.m. bake from fridge

cut a sheet of parchment paper
place over banneton and turn dough into the paper
grab paper and lift into the cold dutch oven

score the surface with a razor blade

put lid on
place into cold oven
turn timer to 45 min
turn oven to convect  425 F

after 45 min check, as my bread is smaller
bake for 15 more minutes without the lid

remove the whole pan from the oven
leave the loaf on a rack to cool
Wait AT LEAST an hour before you slice into it.


sourdough pancakes

preheat Breville grill to 350, lightly grease with oil

melt 2 TBSP coconut oil in small sauce pan (not too hot !)
transfer to the large metal mixing bowl

1 egg
1 tea vanilla
3 TBSP honey

whisk thoroughly

add 2 cups sourdough starter
mixing well into the batter.

Pour approximately 1/4 cup of batter onto the griddle or skillet. Cook pancake until it is bubbly on top and cooked on the edges, approximately 2-3 minutes. The edges will not necessarily turn brown.

Flip and cook the pancake for another 2-3 minutes, removing from the griddle or skillet when the bottom is golden to medium brown.

Serve with maple syrup or honey. Yields 6-8 pancakes.

spelt sourdough bread (Hans) – too dense

day 1

10 a.m. take starter from the fridge, place on WIFI router

12 a.m. add 30g flour and 30g water, mix well, place on WIFI router

4 p.m. put the dough together (cover with plastic)

in glass bowl
35g starter, 240ml water, mix with a spoon
340g spelt flour, 1 1/2 tea salt, mix roughly
cover with plastic

put 100g starter in the fridge, write date on it
keep the rest separate for pancakes

5 p.m. – 9 p.m. pulls and folds

after last pull, leave on the countertop, covered
18C – 20C for 8-10 hours

day 2

8:30 a.m.
put rice flour in the banneton
pulls and folds
put the dough into the banneton
lift sides to sprinkle rice flour on the sides
sprinkle some rice flour on the top
cover, place in the fridge

7 p.m. bake from fridge

cut a sheet of parchment paper
place over banneton and turn dough into the paper
grab paper and lift into the cold dutch oven

score the surface with a razor blade

put lid on
place into cold oven
turn timer to 45 min
turn oven to convect  425 F

after 45 min check, as my bread is smaller
bake for 15 more minutes without the lid

remove the whole pan from the oven
leave the loaf on a rack to cool
Wait AT LEAST an hour before you slice into it.


Corn bread (Michael T.) – 12 inch black cast iron


1 1/2 sticks/170 grams of unsalted butter
½  cup/120 ml of maple syrup
2 ¼  cups/530 ml of buttermilk (soy milk with juice of one lemon)
3  large eggs
1 ½  cups/180 grams of yellow cornmeal (fine or medium-coarse grind)
½  cup/65 grams whole wheat flour (spelt)
½  cup/60 grams all-purpose flour (gluten free 1-1)
1 TBSP baking powder
1 ½  teaspoons/9 grams kosher salt
½  teaspoon/5 grams baking soda


mix 2 1/4 cups soy milk with 2 TBSP lemon juice to make buttermilk


On the stovetop over medium heat, in 12-inch cast iron skillet melt
1 1/2 sticks/170 grams of unsalted butter

coat sides

in large metal bowl
½  cup/120 g of maple syrup

add browned butter
(Do not wipe out the pan.)

2 ¼  cups/530 g of buttermilk


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

then whisk in
3 large eggs

then add

1 ½  cups/180 grams of yellow cornmeal (fine or medium-coarse grind)

½  cup/65 grams whole wheat flour (spelt)

½  cup/60 grams all-purpose flour (gluten free 1-1)

1 TBSP baking powder

½  teaspoon/5 grams baking soda

1 ½  teaspoons/9 grams kosher salt


If the skillet is no longer hot reheat it briefly on the stove for a few minutes.
Place the batter in the skillet.

Bake until the top is golden brown and a toothpick inserted into it emerges clean, 35 minutes.

Cool in the skillet for 10 minutes before slicing.

Super Speedy Spelt Bread

Super Speedy Spelt Bread

250g spelt flour
(or 150g sourdough leftover + 100g spelt flour and no additional water)
150 ml water
2.5g yeast
5g salt
20 ml oil (vegetable, sunflower, even light olive)
Handful of sunflower seeds (optional)


in stand mixer bowl

250g spelt flour (pass through sieve)
2.5g yeast (one bag has 7 g)
5g salt (3/4 tea)

mix with whisk

150 ml water
20 ml oil (vegetable, sunflower, even light olive)
Handful of sunflower seeds (optional)

bring the mixture together by hand ->  cohesive lump of dough
pick up all dry flour

rub surface with a bit of light olive oil
cover with tea towel
bread proofing for 30 minutes

line the bottom of 4 small dutch ovens with parchment paper

with stand mixer
bread hook
6 minutes, speed 2
(check a few times that the dough is not just stuck and rotating)

distribute dough into the 4 dutch ovens
put lids on
bread proofing – 60 minutes

take from oven
turn oven to 425 F (220 C) – takes about 13 minutes to reach the temperature

slash surface of breads with knife
place lid again

when oven hot
bake for 25 minutes

reduce heat to 395 F (200 C)
remove lids

bake for 15 minutes

Allow to cool completely before removing from the dish.

spelt bread

not so good

in stand mixer bowl

75 ml hand warm water (30 C)
1 TBSP agave
mix with spoon
2.8 teaspoons yeast on the surface
let sit for 10 minutes
needs to get foamy – otherwise, yeast is too old

measure 400 g of spelt flour into the large metal bowl

and 225 g into a smaller bowl


after yeast starts foaming

310 g soy milk
3 TBSP olive oil
400g flour
2 tea salt
1 tea brotgewürz

Stir with a wooden spoon until a loose dough forms.

add 225 g spelt flour in smaller batches (1/2 cup at a time)
knead with bread hook
total 8-10 minutes
until a smooth, springy dough forms.
It should be quite smooth and not really sticky. If you’re using a stand mixer, use the dough attachment for this.

Place the dough into a large greased bowl and cover with a tea towel or large plate. Let it rise in a warm, draft-free place for one hour, or until doubled in size. This is called proofing.

When the dough has risen, punch it down gently and place it into a parchment-lined loaf pan

Cover with a tea towel and place the loaf into a warm place

use bread proofing setting on oven

30 minutes,

heat your oven to 350F/180C.

Bake 35 minutes


Utes Weihnachtsstollen 2020 – USA

This is the Boston version – just 2 loafs


500g raisins
3/4 bottle Rum

625 g flour (fine ground bread flour, pass through a sieve)
42g active dry yeast
200 ml milk (I’m using Almond)

75 g butter + 250 g butter
vanilla extract
50 g diced almonds

50 g almond flour
125 g sugar
50 g Orangeat (candied orange slices – diced)
50 g Zitronat (candied lime – diced)
the skin of 1/2 lemon and its juice

8 drops pure almond extract

after baking (the next day, when loafs are completely cold)
60g butter
confectioners sugar


The day before

soak 500g raisins in Rum


take butter from fridge to bring to room temperature
625 g bread flour in mixer bowl (sieve)

heat on the stove in small pan 200ml almond milk to 32 C
put into the metal measuring cup and add
42g active dry yeast
1 tsp sugar
pinch of salt
use a hand mixer on the lowest speed (just one attachment)

add to the mixer bowl (make a deep dip in the flour)
DONT MIX, just move with a spoon around to absorb some flour into the liquid
make it a ‘softer than toothpaste’ texture

sprinkle some flour from the rim on the surface
(don’t use Ute’s handmixer method, it draws too much flour into it)

cover bowl with a kitchen towel put into the oven with the bread proofing setting
let foam for 45 minutes


meanwhile in medium source pan (smaller than the copper base)
melt 5 1/2 TBSP (75g) butter
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
50 g diced almonds
50g candied orange – diced
50g candied lemon – diced
lemon zest of 1/2 lemon (finely chopped)
lemon juice of 1/2 lemon
1/4 tsp bitter mandel

let this mixture cool down and reserve for later

cut 250g butter into pieces

premix already in another bowl
50g almond flour
125g sugar
pinch of salt

after yeast has foamed for 45 minutes

add almond flour mix

with K-hook (not the bread hook)
speed 2, 3 minutes

add 250g butter (room temp), cut into pieces
mix speed 2, 3 minutes

then change for bread hook
speed 2, 3 minutes

add buttermix with orange, lemon etc.
mix speed 2 , min 10

cover bowl with a kitchen towel
put into the oven
use bread proofing setting
let rise for 1 hour


put raisins in sieve and collect rum for next batch of raisins 

after one hour

put the dough on a work surface and GENTLY work the raisins manually into the dough, the raisins should not break open 


divide the dough into two parts
and fold into two rectangles (the short side not wider than the silicone mat)
flip sides onto the top

turn oven to bread proofing setting
put two loaves on a baking sheet with a silicone mat
let rise for 40 minutes

after 40 min:



then switch bread proofing off and turn to convect bake 285F

bake for 70 minutes


let cool till the next day

heat 60g butter  – not too hot
place loaves onto large piece of parchment paper to wrap it afterward

brush both loaves and let the butter penetrate fully

10 minutes later (the liquid of the butter should have been absorbed)
take a sieve and powder sugar (not too thick)

this quantity should be enough for both loaves:




keep at room temp for at least a week before serving

some other links


German Christmas Bread (Easy Stollen, Mini Stollen and Stollen Bites Recipe)



self-made orange peel



Utes Weihnachtsstollen 2020


1 Kilo Rosinen
1 Flasche Rum

1250 g Mehl (Dinkel geht auch)
vier Würfel Hefe
1/4 l Milch (geht auch Mandelmilch)

150 g Butter + 500 g Butter
Vanille Zucker
100 g gehackte Mandeln
100 g gemahlene Mandeln
250 g Zucker
100 g Orangeat
100 g Zitronat
abgeriebene Zitronenschale und Saft
15 Tropfen Bitter Mandelaroma

nach dem Backen (erst am nächsten Tag, wenn Stollen gut ausgekühlt ist !!!!)
flüssig buttern (ca. 180g Butter – nicht zu heiss)
Butter gut einziehen lassen und erst dann Puderzucker drauf (durchs Sieb)

und mit Zucker verschönern




Am Vorabend wird ein Kilo Rosinen in Rum eingeweicht. Es geht auch Weintraubensaft oder Apfelsaft oder ein Gemisch aus allem, wie ihr mögt. Ich habe alles ausprobiert am besten schmeckt es mit Rum

Dann werden 1250 g Mehl und vier Würfel Hefe in eine Schüssel gebracht und mit 1/4 l lauwarmer Milch zu einem Vorteig gerührt. Eine Prise Zucker hilft beim gehen


Während der Teig geht werden 150 g Butter aufgelöst mit einem Vanille Zucker, 100 g gehackten Mandeln, 100 g Orangeat, 100 g Zitronat etwas abgeriebener Zitronenschale und Saft und 15 Tropfen Bitter Mandelaroma. Das kann man in einem Töpfchen beiseite stellen



Wenn der Vorteig schön gegangen ist wie oben abgebildet, dann werden 500 g Butter in Würfel geschnitten und dem Vorteig hinzugefügt


Dazu kommt noch 100 g gemahlene Mandeln, 250 g Zucker und eine Prise Salz.

Den Inhalt des zur Seite gestellten Töpfchens mit Butter, Zitronat etc. hinzufügen.

Das Ganze wird jetzt wunderbar geknetet bis ein richtig schöner geschmeidiger Teig daraus geworden ist


Und dieser leckere Klumpen wird jetzt 1 Stunde in Ruhe gelassen zum Gehen an einem warmen Ort.
Abgedeckt mit einem Geschirrtuch


So schön locker sollte er dann aussehen nach dem Gehen


Während dessen werden die Rosinen in ein Sieb gegeben damit sie abtropfen können, bevor sie in den Teig hinein gearbeitet werden


Schön vorsichtig damit die dicken Rosinen nicht kaputt gehen



Dann wird der Teig in drei oder vier Teile geteilt und im Ofen noch einmal gehen gelassen (40 Minuten)

bei ca. 140 Celsius (Umluft) 1 Stunde backen

bei Ober/Unterhitze ca. 180 Celsius



Es kann sein dass die Stollen sehr breit auseinander laufen.
Deshalb habe ich mir dieses Jahr mal eine Stollen Backform gekauft


Die beiden äußeren saßen einfach nur auf dem Blech der mittlere ist mit der Backform gebacken

Nach dem backen schön auskühlen lassen und am nächsten Tag flüssig buttern und mit Zucker verschönern.
Gut verpackt hält er sich lange ? nur nicht bei mir. ??


Apricot or peach tart from canned fruit

preheat oven to 380 F


in food processor

200g Spelt flour

slice 100 g of butter into the bowl

on speed 3
mix till texture sandy, not too short, the heat of the movement needs to make the texture a bit humid

parchment paper and light olive on blue springform
press the dough onto the bottom of the form and light rim on side, but not high

pre-cook the dough for 10 min.

sieve 2 cans of halved, unpeeled fruits – collect juice in pan with copper base

cut fruit into slices and transfer into large metal bowl


mix in medium ceramic bowl

2 TBSP sugar

1 TBSP vanilla


add to fruit and move, (it becomes a kind of puree, depending on the type of fruit)

pour into precooked dough, move carefully to not break the still wet dough

bake for 20 minutes


mix in medium ceramic bowl

2 TBSP sugar

1 TBSP potatoes starch

1 TBSP rum

heat juice, when almost boiling, add the starch mixture

bring again to boil for 30 seconds


pour SLOWLY over the baked tart, the liquid will disturb a bit the baked puree

carrot coriander cream soup TM6 cookidoo modified

40 g lentil trio mix
½ lime, thin peelings of skin only
2 cm fresh root ginger, cut in round slices (2 mm)
1/2 tea coriander seeds

10 seconds, speed 10

scrape down

10 seconds, speed 10

300 g carrots (only orange ones), cut in pieces (3-4 cm)
50 g onion, quartered (1/2 of a medium onion)
25 g butter spread (2 TBSP)

4 sec, speed 4.5
scrape down

250 g vegetable stock
250 g spring water
½ tsp fine sea salt

15 min, 100C, speed 2

2 sprigs fresh coriander

1 min, speed 5 – 10 increasing speed gradually

Cachapas (frozen mais – TM6)

for 2 people

in TM 6

440g grains frozen corn
1 Tea sugar
1/2 Tea salt
1 TBSP harina pan amarilla

5 sec, speed 10 (to cut the frozen cernels)

4 min, 100 C, speed 2

add 1 egg

40 sec, reverse 3

on Breville grill

preheat to 330 F

light olive oil

cook 12 minutes each side
(put the cover on distance 3 to be close but not touch the upper side)

hummus from canned garbanzo TM6 (Monica)

in TM6

2 cans garbanzo beans

1/2 cup veggie stock

1 medium clove of garlic
1 teaspoon of salt

1/8 teaspoon turmeric
¼ teaspoon of ground cumin

2 minutes, speed 5

1/3 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 2 large lemons)

2 large TBSP of tahini (mix well before using)

2 minutes, speed 5


decorate with

virgin olive oil and ground red pepper

Venezuelan vegetable soup (Omar)

Choclo (soak 1/2 of a package in water over night)
cook for 90 minutes in the instant pot (cover with about 3x water)

boil 1.7 l spring water to skin 2 tomatoes and precook yucca

put frozen yucca in smaller pot and cook separately for about 12-15 minutes


put 2-3 TBSP olive oil in large soup pot (8 liter)
(don’t turn gas on yet)


1 onion cut into large pieces
2 skinned/seeded tomatoes (quartered)
3 carrots (medium) or 2 large

2-3 green onions (cut in half, keep green end for later, cut white end into larger pieces – not too finely)

3 garlic, roughly cut
1 garlic, finely cut (keep for later)

1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon adobo
1 teaspoon oregano

before turning on the gas
clean already for later

2 Dasheen (put into water to avoid oxidation)
2 Malanga
1-2 sweet potatoes

turn on gas and fry, moving everything for a few minutes

 then add

1 cup of frozen corn kernels
choclo (1/2 pack precooked)
Malanga, Dasheen, sweet potatoes

sieve the pre-cooked yucca and put water into big pot

then add about one additional liter boiling spring water

cover pot

put timer to 10 minutes to start boiling

put yucca in cold water, previously used for the Malanga
when cold enough, cut and take out root fiber from the middle
add to the pot already

cut 1/2 pumpkin, take seeds out, and cut some parts of the skin

after the 10 minutes

add pumpkin and more water

cook 10 minutes

peel and cut 1 Batata (slightly red skin, a little sweet), put in water to avoid oxidation

peel and cut 2 medium potatoes

add Batata and potatoes

2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon oregano

1 teaspoon Guascas

cook 20 minutes

add one garlic, cut into finer slices
add fideos soup (one package for the very large pot)
add 2 Teaspoons adobo
add 2 Teaspoons salt

cook 10 minutes

try potatoes (also sweet potatoes) if they are soft

perhaps cook 5 more minutes, switch off

clear 1/2 bunch of cilantro, cut stems at about halfway, and discard

chop upper part with stems and leaves finely with a knife

cut green part of green onion

only add cilantro and green onion, when switching off the gas


Pumpkin pie (TM6)


125g spelt flour
65g butter


4 Eggs , room temperature
2 TBSP Brown Sugar Turbinado
1 teaspoon ground Cinnamon
¼ teaspoon Nutmeg (freshly grated if possible)
½ teaspoon Kosher Salt
1 15- ounce can Pumpkin
1 12- ounce can Evaporated Milk

preheat oven to 350 F
put eggs into warm water

in TM6

125g Spelt flour

slice 65 g of butter into the bowl
1/4 tea salt

30 sec, speed 6
scrape down

30 sec. speed 6
scrape down

mix again a bit till texture sandy, not too short, the heat of the movement needs to make the texture a bit humid

oil small glass pie form with flat rim
Press the dough onto the bottom of the form and halfway up the glass wall

pre-cook the dough for 10 min.


in TM6
4 eggs  (room temperature)
20 seconds, speed 6

add all other ingredients

1 TBSP Brown Sugar Turbinado
1 teaspoon ground Cinnamon
¼ teaspoon Nutmeg (freshly grated if possible)
½ teaspoon Kosher Salt
1 12-ounce can evaporated milk
1 15-ounce can Pumpkin = 425 g (if using big can, only use 410 g then I have another 410 leftovers)

30 seconds, speed 6

Place the glass form on a light-colored baking sheet.
Pour the mixture into it
Bake for 60 min  

 Note: the pie will firm up when removed from the oven so if it still moves a bit don’t worry.
Allow cooling on a rack for 2 hours before cutting or chilling in the refrigerator.

pao de queijo (Monica)

Receita do Pão de Queijo


1/4 onion
1 garlic
2 cups tapioca flour
1 egg
1 TBSP of veggie oil (canola or corn)
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
260g grounded cheese (I use queso Minas Gerais curadinho, available at Market Basket and at Brazilian and Colombian convenience stores)

2/3 cup of soy milk


in TM6

1/4 onion
1 garlic
4 seconds, speed 8

260g cheese ( 11 slices Munster for example)
4 seconds, speed 10

scrape down

6 seconds, speed 7

preheat oven to 410 F

260g (2 cups) Tapioca flour
1 TBSP canola oil
1/2 TBSP sugar
1/2 tea salt
1 egg

1 minute, reverse speed 4, (move spatula around the edge while turning)

pour in 2/3 cup soy milk

put on 2 min dough

put in muffin form (lightly greased), use two spoons

only fill 6 and keep rest of dough for next day

bake 18 minutes at 410 F


when using dough from the fridge, put them into the cold oven

turn on to 410 F and bake for 25 minutes

Red Kuri (Hokkaido) Squash (creuset pot)

remove seeds
cut into smaller dice

in Creuset, cook with broth for 10 minutes, medium-low flame, covered

1 pear (small pieces)
4 sweet peppers (thin slices)
fresh oregano

10 minutes

2 tomatoes (skin off, seeds out)

continue cooking till squash is soft

prepare the cottage cheese sauce in ‘single-serve’ mixer
2 TBSP cottage cheese
2 TBSP olive oil
1 tea broth paste
a little milk to make it liquid enough for the mixer to work

add cottage sauce to squash and finish cooking


Risotto with mushrooms TM6 (Ute)

1 onion, quartered
1 garlic

1 second, speed 7
scrape down

1 TBSP olive oil

6 minutes, 120 C, reverse 1

clean and slice mushrooms (one normal plastic pack or 1/2 of a family pack size)
add to TM6
4 minutes, 120C, reverse 1

heat 600ml water in the water cooker

rinse 3/4 cup risotto rice
add to TM6
3 minutes, 120C, reverse 1

dilute 1 Tea broth paste in about 1/4 cup hot water

put TM6 on scale mode

add broth and then rest of hot water to make a total of 600g

30 minutes, 100C, reverse 1

(Ute: kalte Erbsen aus der Büchse auf den Reis servieren)

Buchweizen (buckwheat) crepe (TM6)

2 pieces of ~ 1 TBSP butter
melt each one in one frying pan on low heat

in TM6

110 g buckwheat
1/4 tea salt
3 seconds, speed 10

turn on low speed and pour slowly through the opening

150ml water
100ml milk
(or 250 ml water)

1 egg
the melted butter from both frying pans (put them back on the flames)

mix again


pour about 1/2 of the liquid into each pan

when they start to dry, move a bit to make sure they are not sticking


when fully cooked, cover with some slices of Munster cheese and cover with lid


cod with fig sauce

(recipe is work in progress)

500 g figs



1 TBSP olive oil in frying pan
1 TBSP of sweetened onions

heat up for a few minutes

add the halved figs (steps off)

mix to coat them well with the onion, cook for a few minutes (covered)

add 1/4 cup white wine

I then took some cooked figs and mixed them with cottage cheese to make a sauce

coated cod with Lobster Pot spice mix
seared fish in very hot cast iron without oil
added cottage cheese sauce (was a bit too thick)

added figs and cooked covered


other version from the internet:


Cod (fish), 1 fillet
Figs, fresh, 5 small (1-1/2″ dia)
Garlic, 2 cloves
*Herbes de Provence, 28 serving
*Crisco 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 2 tbsp


Coat all sides of the cod filets in generous rubs of fresh minced garlic, sea salt, and Herbs de Provence. Let sit in the spice rub in the fridge for an hour.

Heat olive oil over medium heat in a non-stick pan. Sear fish on all sides until done.

If you have some brown sugar, add like a teaspoon per cup of figs… make sure to cover the pan with the figs after you’ve seared them off well, reducing the heat..

You need to cook them until they are really, really soft and smashable, almost a thick jam consistency… cook figs separate from the fish and serve over the fish once it’s done.

Number of Servings: 2

Basil Spinach pesto

in TM6

60 g old Gouda cheese

2 seconds, speed 10


110 g olive oil
230g packed spinach leaves (about 2/3 of a large plastic box)
2 cups packed basil leaves
2 cloves garlic
juice of one lemon (ca. 2 TBSP)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1 min, speed 10 (increase successively)

Blackened Tuna Sashimi (Lobster Pot page 82)

2 portions

8 scallops

1/2 pound tuna steak


make Beurre Blanc sauce first (see separate recipe)

make Spice mix for Tuna (Lobster Pot)


heat cast iron on HIGH without any oil

coat tuna steaks on one side with butter sauce, sprinkle (quite densely) the spice mix

when cast iron turns ‘white’, place tuna steaks with spice side down

coat the other side with butter and spices

cook each side for about one minute


cook the scallops in the butter sauce

this was a great dinner:

Blackened Tuna Sashimi (Lobster Pot page 82)
Beurre Blanc sauce
Spice mix for Tuna (Lobster Pot)
Cauliflower mash (TM6)
some wasabi and pickled ginger

Beurre Blanc sauce

Makes about 1 cup
15 min
20 min


1/4 cup dry white wine
1/4 cup white-wine vinegar
2 tablespoons finely chopped shallot
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon white pepper, or to taste
2 sticks (1 cup) unsalted butter, cut into tablespoon-size pieces and chilled


Boil wine, vinegar, and shallot in a 2- to 3-quart heavy saucepan over moderate heat until liquid is syrupy and reduced to 2 to 3 tablespoons, about 5 minutes. Add cream, salt, and white pepper and boil 1 minute. Reduce heat to moderately low and add a few tablespoons butter, whisking constantly. Add remaining butter a few pieces at a time, whisking constantly and adding new pieces before previous ones have completely liquefied (the sauce should maintain consistency of hollandaise), lifting pan from heat occasionally to cool mixture.
Remove from heat, then season to taste with salt and pepper and pour sauce through a medium-mesh sieve into a sauceboat, pressing on and then discarding shallot. Serve immediately.
Cooks’ Note
Wine mixture can be reduced, and cream and seasoning added, up to 1 hour ahead. Boil cream 1 minute before adding butter.

Cauliflower mash (TM6)

2 portions

1 head cauliflower

2 large stalk of leeks (or two small), or substitute with 4 stalks of green onions

butter spread

garlic, 1/2 onion

heavy cream / or cottage cheese, olive oil + soy milk


cauliflower mash

boil 1 l water
cut cauliflower in larger pieces, steam for 15 minutes, till tender

clean the leeks and cut into small pieces

in TM 6
1/2 onion
1 garlic
2 sec, speed 7

3 TBSP butter spread
4 min, 100C, reverse 2

add leeks
7 min, 100C, reverse 2


add steamed cauliflower
add 1/4 cup​ heavy cream (or 2 TBSP cottage + 1 TBSP olive oil + 1 TBSP soy milk)

mix, changing speed to avoid the blade turning empty

Cachapas from fresh corn (TM6)

for 4 people

Breville grill

preheat to 330 F

8 corn cobs

divide kernels into two batches and process one after the other, otherwise the thermomix bowl gets too full

about 660g kernels
1 1/2 Tea sugar
1 Tea salt
1 1/2 TBSP harina pan

2 seconds, speed 5.5


2 seconds, speed 5.5

add one egg

40 seconds, reverse speed 3


light olive oil

cook 12 minutes each side
(put the cover on distance 3 to be close but not touch the upper side)

peach + pear sorbet

in Instapot:

4 cut peaches
2 cut pears
1/2 cup spring water
2 TBSP agave

1 minute, low pressure, natural release


Blümchentopf: (put it on the digital scale)

80g white sugar (1/3 cup)
30g honey
juice from the pressure cooker

bring to boil, dissolve sugar, let cool

in single-serve-blender

4-5 cm of ginger (cut into smaller pieces)
1 orange
10 mint leaves

OR 3/4 cup orange juice + 10 mint leaves directly into the large blender – thus no ginger


large Mixer:

sugar syrup
juice of one lemon

1/4 cup  of Rum

speed 3, 2 minutes

cool for 12 hours in the fridge

remix briefly before pouring into the ice machine

install ice bowl and put mixing ladle and cover in place
pour in the mixture through the opening

mix ca. 20-30 minutes


TM6 green beans with almonds


hand full of almonds
6 sec speed 10, scrape down

1/2 onion
1 garlic
2 sec, speed 7

2 TBSP olive oil
10 min, 105 Celsius, reverse 2


clean green beans, cut into 4-5 cm pieces

mix in a small ceramic bowl with some broth:
1/2 tea bouillon paste
1/2 tea smoked pepper
1 tea adobo

add beans and broth to TM6

10 min, 100 C, reverse 2



Sorbet de fruit

Ingrédients pour 1 L de sorbet : 100 g de sucre semoule, 30 g de glucose ou de miel, 150 ml d’eau, 500 g de purée de fruits, 2 cl de jus de citron

Matériel : 1 casserole, 1 fouet, 1 spatule, 1 bol, 1 sorbetière

Difficulté : 3

1. Préparer un sirop en portant le sucre, le glucose et l’eau à ébullition. Écumer et refroidir.

2. Mélanger le sirop avec la purée de fruits.

3. Ajouter le jus de citron au mélange.

4. Préparer la sorbetière en démarrant le refroidissement et entreposer un bol (qui contiendra le sorbet sanglé) au congélateur. Sangler le sorbet : laisser la sorbetière refroidir et foisonner.

5. Des bulles d’air vont s’incorporer à la masse et augmenter son volume de 30 à 50%. Réserver le sorbet dans un bol au congélateur pendant au moins 1 heure avant dégustation.

Plus du Chef : Pour conserver la texture parfaite de votre sorbet, vous devrez équilibrer sa densité (avec un densimètre qui mesure la teneur en sucre de vos fruits). C’est la raison pour laquelle nous vous conseillons de sangler vos sorbets à la dernière minute et de les consommer au plus vite.

Retrouvez cette technique en vidéo en cliquant sur http://www.atelierdeschefs.fr/fr/tech… ainsi que toutes les vidéos des Chefs de L’atelier des Chefs sur http://atelierdeschefs.fr

Peach sorbet

Cook 4 peaches in pressure cooker with little water
Low, 1 minute, release steam naturally

Pour into large blender


8 leaves of basil
8 leaves of mint
1/4 cup agave
1 TBSP vanilla

Fill with Orange juice till 5 cups

Speed 3, 1 minute

Put in fridge over night (keep the knife in there)
Remix shortly before pouring into ice maker

~ 45 minutes in ice maker

Orange Sorbet

Peel 1 orange, mix in small blender till creamy
Pour into large blender


8 leaves of basil
8 leaves of mint
1/4 cup agave
1 TBSP vanilla

Fill with Orange juice till 5 cups

Speed 3, 1 minute

Put in fridge over night (keep the knife in there)
Remix shortly before pouring into ice maker

~ 45 minutes in ice maker

swordfish with mushrooms

2 pounds swordfish steaks
1 TBST olive oil
Kosher salt
Fresh cracked pepper
4 TBST unsalted butter (1 half stick)
¾ pounds mushrooms, cleaned and sliced
Zest and juice of 1 lemon (about 3 TBST juice)
1 green onion, sliced
1 splash dry white wine
2 T chopped parsley

Heat your oven to 400 degrees
Rub the swordfish with the olive oil and season on both sides with salt and pepper

Heat a griddle pan or cast iron pan on high. Sear the fish on both sides for a couple of minutes on each side. Turn off the heat and put the skillet in the oven to finish, about 10 minutes, depending on the thickness of your fish.

In a separate skillet melt butter on medium-high. When the butter is hot add mushrooms, green onions, lemon juice, and zest and splash of white wine.

Saute for 5 – 6 minutes until mushrooms are tender and there is very little liquid left in the sauce. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Plate the swordfish on individual plates topped with mushrooms and garnish with parsley.

Navy beans, instant pot + TM6

Pick over one package (1/2 pound) of beans for stones
soak overnight
Rinse and put in instant pot with 2 cups of water
Cook 2 minutes, let cool naturally.


1 1/2 large onions
5 sweet peppers
2 green onion

1 second, speed 7

5 TBST olive oil

15 min, 100C, reverse lowest speed


add beans without cooking water
2/3 cup broth
1 tea salt
2 tea smoked pepper
2 tea minced garlic
1 1/2 TBSP oregano
1 TBSP adobo

premix a bit with the spatula

12 min, 110C, reverse speed 0.5

let cool down in TM6 to absorb more flavor

Salmon Tart quiche TM6


200g green beans
2 pieces of wild salmon
put ice cubes in glass to cool water (need 3 TBSP)

220g Spelt flour
1 stick butter (cold), cut into slices
2 stalks of green onion
2 garlic
1 very large onion
5 eggs

optional some slices cheese for topping

in the round food processor with the dough blade (!)
220g Spelt flour
1 stick butter (cold), cut into slices
1/2 tsp salt

on speed 2 for 1 minute, till texture sandy
add 1 TBSP cold water at a time – 3 TBSP total

The flour should turn into a ball of soft dough
make a disk, wrap in envoplast and cool for 30 min in fridge

while dough cools down

preheat oven to 390 F

roll dough on the floured surface very thin
roll around the rolling pin and unroll over the large low quiche form (11 1/2 inches)
place form in freezer for about 10 minutes

place baking paper and cooking beans

pre-cook the dough for 20 min.

remove beans


1 onion
2  cloves of garlic
2 stalks of green onion

1 TBSP oil
3 seconds, speed 5

scrape down
105 C, 10 minutes, speed 1

add to TM6
200 g green beans
(don’t add any liquid)
1/2 Tea Salt
5 minutes, 120C, reverse speed 1.5

in ‘single serve’ mixer
1/3 cup olive oil
2/3 cup soy milk

in large metal bowl whisk together:
5 eggs
1/2 tea salt
add ‘false cream’

precut salmon, get skin off

add salmon to TM6
4 minute, reverse speed 3


Add content of TM56 to the large metal bowl and mix together with the cream/egg mixture


when the dough is pre-cooked,
take out beans
pour in mixture
cover with slices of cheese
sprinkle some roasted paprika

lower temp to 360
bake for 35 minutes

let cool for at least 10 minutes (better 20)



hummus, cooking garbanzo in instant pot (Monica)


2 cups of garbanzo beans (home cooked or canned)

¾ cup of liquid (preferably liquid from cooking the garbanzo beans, but plain water works also)

2 large cloves of garlic

1 teaspoon of salt

¼ teaspoon of ground pepper

¼ teaspoon of ground cumin

1/3 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice

1/3 cup of tahini (mix it well before using)

Extra virgin olive oil and ground red pepper to decorate

Cooking Fresh Garbanzo Beans

1.5 cups garbanzo beans
soak in lot of water over night



4 cups of water
1 TBSP liquid salt
rinsed garbanzo beans

cook for 6 minutes on high, let cool naturally, without opening the valve

Hummus Preparation

in the round food processor (not the high mixer)

garbanzo beans

3/4 cup from the cooking water

2 large cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of salt
¼ teaspoon of ground pepper
¼ teaspoon of ground cumin

pulse for about 2 minutes (use a spatula to scrape down the sides of the food processor as needed)

1/3 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 2 large lemons)

1/3 cup of tahini (mix it well before using)

mix again for 1-2 minutes

add additional liquid, as needed.


virgin olive oil and ground red pepper

Quesillo (Omar)

in the pot with flower decoration (from Grandma Asta)

1/3 cup white sugar
2 TBSP water
(mix well before heating)
on the middle flame (about 1-2 cm below MID)
set alarm to 10 minutes

heat 1.7 l of water

preheat metal quesillo recipient on back right flame on low

move sugar to prevent burning (use IKEA gloves)
it is ready when caramel smoke just starts forming

pour until the last drop into the quesillo recipient (careful, a drop would burn terribly)
turn off back right flame

put the pot into the sink and fill with water

move quesillo pot to distribute caramel to the lower third of the walls


in mixer

4 eggs

1 can of condensed milk (La Lechera – Nestle)

use the empty can to measure the same amount of whole milk (10 oz)

1 TBST vanilla

2 TBSP of rum (Cortavino)

mix on SPEED 1 for 20 seconds

pour into quesillo pot, put the lid and secure it

place the pot into the upper steamer part and put the glass lid

put water into the steamer

cook for 70 minutes (front left flame at the midpoint between LOW and MID)


take out, lid off and set to cool for 15 minutes

take a small flat knife and cut around

place pyrex cake form on top, reverse

Chirashi sushi

for 2 people

thaw 1 piece of white fish and 4 scallops

cook strong green tea (the earlier the better to leave the eggs in there for a while)



bring water to boil, insert eggs and cook for 8 minutes

put into cold water, peel
put into green tea

slice just before serving



we use Nishiki Medium Grain Rice


try the instant pot version: https://www.pressurecookrecipes.com/instant-pot-sushi-rice/


1  cup of sushi rice

put into fine strainer
put medium metal bowl in sink and rinse gently
submerge into water in bowl several times, till water pretty clear

let drip for 5 minutes

put 300ml Water into the pot with the copper base

add rice and let soak for 20 minutes

cook with (hermetic) lid for 13 minutes
(on VERY LOW FLAME – otherwise it burns on the bottom)

don’t open lid, take from heat source and let steam for 10 more minutes

rice vinegar

1/4 cup rice vinegar
1 1/2 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp kosher/sea salt

mix in small pan, bring to boil and let sugar dissolve, set aside to cool

after rice has steamed, mix in the rice vinegar


2 tbsp Mirin
2 tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Rice Vinegar
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tbsp Sunflower Oil (or other veggi oil)
1 tbsp Green Tea or water



cook as usual with butter spread

slice in a few pieces


cod fish

In separate frying pan:

put salt on both sides, cooking for a while In butter spread,

top with dried shiitake powder



slice thinly

shredded nori

cut 5 leaves of nori with scissors


cut only the green part from 1-2 scallions


arranging the bowl

put rice, fish, sliced scallops, avocado, egg, scallion and shredded nori

sprinkle with dressing (about 2 TBSP per bowl NOT MORE !!!) , put some olive oil over the avocado slices

serve the remaining dressing in a small bowl


Chirashi Sushi 五目ちらし寿司

Chirashi Sushi Bowl (aka Superfood Bowl)

Chicharos/Guandules/Pigeon Peas – Guisados (Omar)


  • 2 tazas de chicharos o pigeon peas de la marca Iberia en lata (de Perú) – Ya vienen cocidos
  • 1 cebolla mediana
  • 2 pimentones dulces amarillos
  • 1 cebollín o green onion
  • 1 papa picada en cuadritos pequeños
  • 1 o 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
  • 1 cucharada de broth en pasta (Better than bouillon with roasted garlic base)
  • ¼ a ½ taza de agua caliente
  • 2 dientes de ajo
  • cilantro, 3-5 ramitas
  • adobo, sal y orégano al gusto


Ingredientes para Substituto de Crema (heavy cream):

  • 2 cucharadas de cottage cheese
  • ¼ taza de leche de soja
  • 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva
  • Unas gotas de limón (5-6 gotas)

Preparación: licuar todos los ingredientes hasta conseguir la crema

Preparación del Guiso:

Sofreír con el aceite la cebolla, pimentón, y la parte blanca del cebollín. Cocinar por 5 minutos y luego incluir la papa. Cocinar por otros 5 minutos. Agregar el ajo, sal, adobo y orégano. Cocinar por 2 minutos y luego agregar la crema. Cocinar por 3 min. Agregar los chicharos y el broth en pasta ya diluido en el agua caliente. Tapar y dejar cocinar por unos minutos para reducir un poco el líquido, agregar más sal si es necesario

Bon appetit!

mushrooms in cheese sauce

1 large pack of mushrooms (Costco)

2 TBST cottage cheese

some Munster cheese


slice mushrooms

cook (covered) for a few minutes with butter spread

dissolve 1 Teasp Veggi broth paste in 1/4 cup of water and add to mushrooms

cook without lid on high heat to evaporate some of the liquid

add 2 TBSP cottage cheese

grate some munster and mix

potato + carrot soup (TM6)

1/2 onion

3 TBSP olive oil

2 seconds speed 7

scrape down


3 min, 100 Celsius, speed 1


6 carrots chopped ~ 450 g

dices potatoes ~ 900 – 1000 g

1 cup broth

3 cups water

2 cm ginger


20 min, 105 Celsius, speed 1.5


put slash guard ! ! ! !

1 min speed 3


1 Teasp salt

1/8 Teasp Nutmeg


1 min speed 6


Almond flour, banana, chocolate cookies (Monica)


3/4 Tea Cinnamon

1/4 Tea Nutmeg

1/4 Tea ground cloves

1/2 Tea ginger

250g Almond flour

4 TBS cocoa powder

4 eggs (whites)

1 1/2 Tea Vanilla extract

5 ounces chocolate

2 ripe bananas

Mix in a small ceramic bowl

3/4 Tea Cinnamon

1/4 Tea Nutmeg

1/4 Tea ground cloves

1/2 Tea ginger


separate 1/4 Tea of the mixture into red ceramic bowl, add 4 TBSP brown sugar, set aside


in large (!) metal bowl weigh 250g almond flour, add remaining spice mix (without the sugar)

mix well

put in gray frying pan over medium heat, move occasionally with two wooden spoons, 5-7 minutes

transfer back into large metal bowl, let cool (15-20 min)

separate 4 large egg whites into small metal bowl, (keep yolks in small glass container in fridge)

beat for 30 seconds

weigh 5 ounces of dark chocolate and cut finely

make banana mash of 2 ripe bananas in medium metal bowl (Kartoffelstampfer), add 1 1/2 Tea Vanilla extract, mix

add to cool flour mix:

4 TBSP cocoa powder

1 Tea salt

mix well with egg beater

banana mix

mix well with blue (metal) spatula

egg whites

mix well

add chocolate

mix well

cover large bowl with plastic and put for 20 minutes in freezer

line 2 baking sheets with paper

heat oven to 375 (when taking out the dough from freezer)

with small ice cream scoop take a ball and roll in sugar/spice mix in red ceramic bowl, then use both hands to roll a ball

place about 15 on one baking sheet

bake for 6 minutes

swap the two sheets in the oven

bake for additional 8 minutes

let cool for 5 minutes,

then take off the baking sheet onto plastic board and let cool entirely

beware potential thieves……..



giant white corn snack

Goya Foods

Giant White Corn or Maiz Mote Pelado.

Soak dried corn in 8 cups of water for 12 to 18 hours, or longer, if desired. When finished soaking, discard water and use paper towels to dry the kernels.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
Place a single layer of corn kernels in a roasting pan, add oil and toss until thoroughly coated. Put into the oven for roasting and stir every 5 to 6 minutes. Bake the kernels in oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown.
Use paper towels to absorb excess oil as corn is placed on the towels. While still oily, select any desired seasoning and sprinkle over the kernels, turning them to season completely. Seasonings that can be chosen include: kosher salt, garlic salt, popcorn seasonings, or any desired favors of choice.
Shortly after removing the corn from the oil and when cooled, the kernels may be somewhat chewy from the absorbed oil. If too chewy, they have not cooked long enough. Allowing the corn to air dry for a day or so in a cool dry area increases the crispness.

Ute’s seed bread TM6

TM6 – two breads
400g flax
100g buckwheat
120g Amaranth seeds
grind 30 seconds, speed 9
transfer to big metal bowl
but 310 g of this mixture back onto the TM6 bowl
– alternating between the TM6 bowl and the big bowl, measure these quantities into each:
200g sunflower seeds
90g pumpkin seeds
70g sesame seeds
45g Psyllium Husk
40g chia seeds
30g Hemp shells
1.5 Ts salt
1.5 Ts Brotgewürz
mix 30 seconds, reverse speed 4
boil 1.2 l spring water
oil the two baking forms AND cut parchment paper to size
preheat oven to 200C (395F)
add 1 1/2 TBSP Tahini
1 minute, reverse speed 6 
weigh 560 g of boiling water into the TM6 bowl
manually premix with spatula
2 min, dough program
transfer to first form and
press dough into form
make deep incision in center !!!! 
second bread
put dry ingredients into TM6
mix 30 seconds, reverse speed 4
boil remaining water again
add 1 1/2 TBSP Tahini
1 minute, reverse speed 6 
weigh 560 g of boiling water into the TM6 bowl
manually premix with spatula
2 min, dough program
transfer to second form and
press dough into form
make deep incision in center !!!! 
bake 70 minutes at 200C (395F)

potato beet salad (Russian)


3 eggs

2 large beets

10 small or 4 large potatoes

2 carrots

1 can of chickpeas

1 celery stalk

1/2 red onion

cilantro or parsley


apple cider vinegar

olive oil

salt, pepper


boil 3 eggs for 10 minutes, let cool

peel, cut beets, potatoes and carrots

cook for 4 minutes in pressure cooker with some veggi broth

cut celery stalk very finely

cut cilantro

cut 1/2 onion

drain chickpeas

cut eggs


cut cooked potatoes, beets and carrots in smaller pieces


in small metal bowl mix

3 TBS olive oil

3 TBS veganese

1/2 tea minced garlic

1 TBS apple cider vinegar

salt, pepper


Mix all ingredients in large bowl, cover and put in fridge to let flavors mix


almond milk (TM6)

soak one cup of almonds over night


next morning: rinse

add 5 cups spring water

2 minutes, speed 10

rinse glas jar and lid with boiling water

strain through a nut-milk bag (if the pulp has still quite large pieces, grind again with some water)

keep in fridge up to 3 days


keep pulp for almond crackers (see recipe)


Ute’s seed bread

line a 9-inch bread form with baking paper (leave some extra at the top to pull the bread out later)
preheat oven to 200 Celsius (395 F)
(the photos below show two forms, as I did the double amounts – the following measurements only produce one single bread)

150g sunflower seeds

130g flax seed (ground)

60g pumpkin seeds

70g sesame seeds

30g Psyllium Husk Powder (optional)

30g Amaranth grains

20g buckwheat flour

20g chia seeds

1 Tbsp Tahini

1 Tsp salt

300ml boiling water

mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl

add the water and with a hand mixer or spatula mix everything well

when well combined, add tahini and mix again

2020-03-02 19.03.42-k
press (!) with the palm of your hand the dough into the bread form
make a deep cut with a sharp knife, smooth the edges of the cut with your finger
2020-03-05 12.07.30-k
bake for 70 minutes at 200 Celsius (395 F)
pull the bread out of the form with the help of the baking paper
2020-03-05 13.19.45-1-k
let cool before cutting
2020-03-05 15.29.01-k
Here are links to some grains I used. But the recipe is super flexible and can be amended into different styles and tastes. Just substitute the quantities of the one you don’t like or don’t have at hand with another one.


Instant Pot Split Pea Soup

Prep Time 15 mins
Cook Time 28 mins
Total Time 58 mins


1 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 Tbsp Butter
1 Onion, diced
3 Stalks of Celery, diced
2 Bay Leaves
1/4 tsp Thyme Leaves, dried
3 Carrots, chopped
4 cloves Garlic, pressed or finely minced
1/4 tsp Pepper
6 cups Chicken or Vegetable Broth low sodium (use only 5 cups for a thick soup, 7 cups for a thinner soup)
1 lb Green Split Peas, rinsed and sorted (unsoaked)
1 tsp Liquid Smoke (Optional) for vegetarian version
1/2 tsp Kosher Salt (add last, after cooking, if needed) (1/4 tsp table salt)


Turn the pressure cooker on to the Sauté function. Let it warm up and add the olive oil and butter.

Add the onion, celery, bay leaves, and thyme. Cook, stirring occasionally, until onion starts to turn translucent.

Add the carrots, garlic, and pepper. Cook for a minute.

Add the broth

Add liquid smoke, if using, for vegetarian method). Let come to a simmer.

Stir in the split peas.

Place the lid on the pot and lock it in place. Set the steam release knob to the Sealing position.

Cancel the sauté function and Choose Pressure Cook/Manual, and use the + or – or dial to choose 18 minutes. High pressure. It will take a few minutes for the pot to come to pressure.

When the cooking time has finished, let the pot sit undisturbed for 15 minutes to naturally release some of the pressure. Then turn the steam release knob to Venting to quick release the remaining pressure.

When the pin in the lid drops down, carefully open the lid, facing away from you.

Remove the bay leaves

Taste and add the salt as desired.

Serve hot. The soup will thicken quite a bit when it cools, that is normal.


Roosted chicken with smoked paprika (internet)

put chicken breasts into glas jar to marinate a few hours before baking

heat resistant olive oil
smoked paprika
garlic powder

move the meat pieces to coat them from all sides

preheat oven to 450F

put pieces in black cast iron pan, cover with lid

bake for 25 minutes
let rest for 10 minutes, covered

Quiche mit Porree und Lachs (Ute) Salmon tart

2019-06-25 19.21.34

2019-06-25 19.24.33

250g Dinkelmehl

125g Butter

etwas Salz

2 Stangen Porree

1 Zwiebel

1 Essl. öl

1 Essl. Honig

Pfeffer, Muskatnuss

300g geräucherter Lachs

250g saure Sahne

4 Eier (oder 20g Stärkemehl)

3 Käsescheiben


Ofen auf 380 F vorheizen

Mehl mit Butter und Salz mischen

Springform (26cm) mit Backpapier auslegen UND einfetten

Teig 15 min. vorbacken


Porree, Zwiebel anschwitzen, mit Honig karamellisieren, würzen

Lachs kleinschneiden

Saure Sahne mit Eiern verschquirlen

Porree, Lachs schichtweise auf den vorgebackenen Boden

Saure Sahne darüber und mit Käsestreifen belegen.


Temperatur auf 360 F und 35 Minuten backen

Easy Paella

“An easy to make paella using chorizo, chicken, and shrimp.”

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon paprika
2 teaspoons dried oregano
salt and black pepper to taste
2 pounds skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into 2 inch pieces
2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
2 cups uncooked short-grain white rice
1 pinch saffron threads

1 bay leaf
1/2 bunch Italian flat leaf parsley, chopped
1 quart chicken stock
2 lemons, zested
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 Spanish onion, chopped
1 red bell pepper, coarsely chopped
1 pound chorizo sausage, casings removed and crumbled
1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
In a medium bowl, mix together 2 tablespoons olive oil, paprika, oregano, and salt and pepper. Stir in chicken pieces to coat. Cover, and refrigerate.
Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large skillet or paella pan over medium heat. Stir in garlic, red pepper flakes, and rice. Cook, stirring, to coat rice with oil, about 3 minutes. Stir in saffron threads, bay leaf, parsley, chicken stock, and lemon zest. Bring to a boil, cover, and reduce heat to medium low. Simmer 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a separate skillet over medium heat. Stir in marinated chicken and onion; cook 5 minutes. Stir in bell pepper and sausage; cook 5 minutes. Stir in shrimp; cook, turning the shrimp, until both sides are pink.
Spread rice mixture onto a serving tray. Top with meat and seafood mixture.

Pears in truffle oil

heat 2-3 tbsp olive oil in skillet

add rosemary leaves and simmer for a while, so that the oil absorbs the rosemary flavor

peal a medium ripe pear, remove kernels, slice (about 5 mm thick)

remove rosemary leaves from oil

fry pear slices for about 5 minutes on each side

while frying on the first side, put 3 drops of truffle oil on each side



Shiitake mushrooms

2 tbsp unsalted butter in skillet

about 2-3 shiitake mushrooms per person
remove stems, slice thinly

cook at high heat for about 8-10 minutes,
till start to brown slightly

add Teriyaki Sauce, bring back to boil,
then simmer to thinken

at the end increase heat again to brown slightly more

Salmon with sweet Thai sauce

In a large baking dish, add salmon in a single layer. Each fillet: sprinkle with a pinch of salt and top with 1 tbsp of Thai sweet chili sauce. Brush or rub with your fingers to coat fish with sauce evenly on top, bottom and sides. Cover and let marinate in the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight is the best (up to 24 hours).

Screenshot 2019-02-10 13.28.01

Turn on oven’s broiler on High and position top oven rack 5″ – 6″ below the heat source. Line large baking sheet with silicone mat, grease with canola oil and place salmon fillets skin side down (if any). Coat with remaining marinade from the dish (if any).
Broil for 8 minutes.
Remove from the oven and brush top of each fillet with 2 tsp of Thai sweet chili sauce.

Lower Broil to medium heat

Return to the oven and broil for another 5 minutes.

Screenshot 2019-02-10 13.29.04

  1. Serve hot garnished with green onions, extra sauce (if desired) and brown rice or quinoa + any salad.


Thai Sweet Chili Sauce

  1. In a medium saucepan (with the copper base), whisk all ingredients until combined. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for 7-10 minutes or until thickened.
  2. Transfer to a glass jar and use with meat, fish, vegetables and for dipping. Highly recommend to make Thai Salmon that everyone will rave about for weeks!

can be refrigerated for a few weeks

Green pea sauce for decoration

in TM6:

1/4 onion
1 clove of garlic
3 seconds, speed 7

1 tbsp of water
1 avocado
1/4 tea salt

1 can sweet peas – drained

3 tbsp good olive oil

juice of 1/2 lemon

blend 1 min, speed 4
keep refrigerated – good for a couple of days


Screen Shot 2018-11-11 at 12.21.02 PM

2 tbsp. apricot preserves

4 cloves garlic, crushed and peeled
2 scallions, trimmed and chopped
1 1⁄2 cups fresh cilantro
1⁄2 cup fresh basil leaves
1⁄2 cup fresh dill
1⁄2 cup fresh parsley
1⁄2 cup fresh tarragon leaves
1⁄2 cup shelled walnuts
1⁄4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 cup walnut oil
Pinch cayenne
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Place apricot preserves, garlic, scallions, cilantro, basil, dill, parsley, tarragon, walnuts, and lemon juice in a blender. Pulse until smooth. While processing, gradually add walnut oil. Sauce will be thick.
Transfer sauce to a bowl, season to taste with cayenne, and salt and pepper, and set aside for about 2 hours to allow flavors to develop. Sauce will keep in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Southern Corn Bread

Make sure your baking powder is fresh. Baking powder over 6 months old tends to lose its leavening power.


  • 1 cup cornmeal
  • 1/2 cup spelt flour
  • 1 Tbsp baking powder
  • 1 Tbsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup soy milk
  • 3 Tbsp butter spread (warm 20 seconds in microwave to liquid), plus 1 teaspoon to grease the pan
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1/2 can of cooked corn, drained from a can


1 Place a 9-inch cast iron pan in the oven and preheat the oven to 350°F.

2 In a large bowl, whisk together the cornmeal, flour, baking powder, garlic powder, and salt. Add remaining ingredients, and stir until just combined.

3 Carefully remove the hot pan from the oven (remember the handle is hot!). Place a teaspoon of butter in the bottom of the hot pan and swirl it around until it is all melted and coating the bottom of the pan. Pour the batter from the mixing bowl into the pan. Remember to put a pot holder over the hot handle of the pan and return it to the oven.

4 Bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven and let the cornbread cool at least 30 min. in the pan.

Kirschkuchen Muerbeteig Katrin

2018-06-26 16.16.48-k

Diese Menge ist für eine Springform (für ein Blech die doppelte Menge nehmen)

150g Mehl

1 Vanillezucker

1 gestr. Teelöffel Backpulver

70 g Zucker

70 g Butter

1 Ei

untereinandermehren !


Sauerkirschen (500g) einzuckern, ziehen lassen, aufkochen

Kartoffelstärke in kaltem Wasser anrühren und den heissen Kirchen untermengen – wieder kurz aufkochen lassen


frei nach Schnauze: weiche Butter, Mehl, Zucker, Vanillezucker – kneten bis es streuselig ist

auf den Kuchen streusseln


45 min bei 180 Celsius (nur Unterhitze)

apricot / pear tart Abrikosen Torte super lecker!!!


2018-05-25 18.13.36

For the apricot filling

    • 1 1/2 pounds fresh apricots or 6-7 pears
    • 3 tablespoons sugar
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla

For the crust

  • 2 cup all-purpose flour (250g)
  • 1 TeaSp. Baking soda
  • 100g butter spread
  • 1/3 cup sugar (40g) – 4 TS
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoon water
  • Zest of one lemon



Mix 3 TBSP sugar with 1 TBSP Vanilla
Quarter the apricots into a cooking pot. Set them to macerate in the sugar and vanilla while preparing the crust.


In TM6

280g spelt flour

1 Tea Baking soda

100g butter spread

mix 30 seconds, speed 4

add the zest of one organic lemon

2 TBSP sugar

mix 30 seconds, speed 8

scrape down

add 1 egg

1 TBSP water

mix 30 seconds, speed 5

then 2 minutes dough function


Cook the apricots, with the juices, covered, over low heat for 5 minutes.


Preheat oven to 450° F (230° C).

blue Springform (26cm) with baking paper (wrapped around the bottom) and also oil
Press the dough onto the bottom of the form and a bit onto the sides
(not too thick! – particularly in the corner)


Remove the apricots from the liquid. Keep the liquid in the pan.

Arrange the apricots in a circle on the pastry.

Bake for 10 minutes.

Lower the heat to 375° F (190° C) and bake 20 minutes longer, until the crust is baked.

After the tart is ready

mix the liquid from the cooked apricots or the juice from the canned fruit with 300ml water and heat up

in small bowl mix 1 1/2 TBSP potato starch (or corn starch)
2 TBSP sugar and a little  water

add to juice and boil for 1 minute

pour the syrup over

Serve cold.


Molten Chocolate Cakes

Molten Chocolate Cakes


• ½ cup unsalted butter (1 stick, 4 ounces), plus more for buttering the molds

• 6 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped into small pieces

Note: the type of chocolate the Monika uses is Callebaut Chocolate D-835 53% (Monika lo compra en Restaurant Depot)

• 4 large eggs

• 3 TBSP sugar

• 2 teaspoons flour, plus more for dusting the molds


1 TBSP butter in the microwave for 15 seconds

put molten butter inside FIVE white ceramic bowls

use 1 TBSP white flour and turn the molds to coat the bottom and walls with flour

Tap out the excess flour into the next mold

boil 1.5 l of water in the water cooker

• Crack 2 eggs into the medium size metal bowl, and add 2 more yolks

(keep the extra white for a different recipe)

Add 3 TBSP sugar, and beat or whisk until light and thick, about 2 minutes.

pour water into the large teflon pot

put second largest metal bowl inside

put butter and chocolate (cut into smaller pieces) into the inner metal bowl and whisk till butter and chocolate all combined – takes about 5 minutes

take metal bowl out of the water

put half of the egg mixture and 1.5 teaspoons flour into the chocolate mix


add the other half of egg mixture, another 1.5 tea flour


Divide the batter among the molds.

pour slowly directly from the metal bowl into the white molds

About 8 mm under the inner rim (about half full)

(At this point you can refrigerate them for up to 3 hours; just bring them back to room temperature before baking.)

place the 5 ramekins on a metal round baking dish (the one which blue outside)

cover with envoplast


• When you’re ready to bake, heat the oven to 450.

bake for exactly 10 minutes in our oven

Let sit for 1 minute.


Put a plate on top of the ramekin and (with a potholder to protect your hand) carefully invert the cake onto the plate. Let it sit for 10 seconds, then lift up the ramekin. Serve immediately, with ice cream, sorbet or whipped cream.

Note: in December 2018 I added pinch of clove powder, drops of vanilla and rum

roasted carrots in the oven (NYT)

  • 2 pounds carrots, peeled quartered or cut into sixths lengthwise depending on the size, then into 2-inch lengths
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (Omar also put some butter)
  • Salt
  • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves, chopped
  • ½ teaspoon oregano
  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Oil a sheet pan or a baking dish large enough to fit all of the carrots in a single layer. Place the carrots in a large bowl, and toss with the olive oil, salt, pepper, thyme and oregano.
  2. Spread in an even layer in the prepared pan or baking dish. Cover with foil, and place in the oven for 30 minutes. Uncover, and if the carrots are not yet tender, turn the heat down to 375 degrees and return to the oven for 10 to 15 more minutes until tender. Add the parsley, stir gently, and taste and adjust salt and pepper. Serve hot, warm or at room temperature.


  • Advance preparation: These will keep for four to five days in the refrigerator.

Mango cake


1 1/2 cups spelt flour

1 TEA spoon baking soda

2/3 cups extra light olive oil

1/2 cup brown sugar

2 eggs

1 cup milk

1/2 lemon

1 TEA spoon vanilla extract

1/2 jar mango


mix milk with juice of 1/2 lemon to make buttermilk (let sit for 10 minutes)

mix flour, baking soda and sugar

add oil and 2 eggs

add milk and vanilla extract


chop mango into small pieces, add to batter


bake at 350 F for 55 minutes



Vegetarian Gravy

  1. Put margarine in a pot and saute the onions and garlic over med-high heat.
  2. Reduce heat back to medium after onions and garlic have become golden brown.
  3. Make a roux by gradually adding the flour, while continuously stirring to avoid lumps.
  4. Still stirring, add soy sauce and water to the mixture.
  5. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Once the gravy has reached desired thickness, turn off the stove and you are done!

fresh sage

This recipe turned out really well. I used veggie broth instead of water, and reduced the soy sauce to 1 T. because my broth was salted. The gravy was still a little on the salty side, but tasty. I also added some dried sage, thyme and parsley.

The only alteration I made was adding a bit of garlic powder(along with the cloves) and a bit more water than soy sauce.

I add some rosemary and thyme to give it a bit more flavour, which I find complements this recipe very well. I’ve used this over potatoes, veggie burgers, veggie roasts, etc.

Gluten free Garlic Onion Muffins

Peel one onion and slice into medium chunks

put into small kitchen aid

add 2-3 cloves of garlic and mix


In stand mixer

2 cups Celestes flour mix

1 Tablespoon turbinated sugar

2 TEAsp cream of tartar

1 TEAsp baking soda

1 TEAsp konjac powder

1 TEAsp salt


Preheat oven to 400 F


in large metal bowl mix together

1 1/2 TEAsp egg replacer + 2 Tablespoons water (mix)

1 1/2 cups soy milk

3 Tablespoons extra light olive oil

garlic-onion mix


add liquid to dry ingredients and mix with a spatula

fill muffin cups to 2/3 full

bake for 25 minutes


Gluten-, egg-, yeast-free multigrain bread


(prep time – about 25 minutes / baking 50 minutes)
1 cup sweet potato flour
3/4 cup arrowroot starch/flour
4 tablespoons tapioca flour
(the following three can be adjusted to more or less, but the amount should add up to 12 tablespoons)
4 tablespoons amaranth flour
4 tablespoons ivory teff flour
4 tablespoons quinoa flour

1 tablespoon konjac powder or xanthan gum
1 tablespoon cream of tartar
1 1/2 TEAspoons baking soda
1 TEAspoon salt

preheat oven to 425 Fahrenheit

boil 2/3 cup of water

in the immersion blender cup add
1 tablespoon golden flaxseed meal
1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon of almost boiling water
blend on high speed for 10 seconds
let sit for 1-2 minutes

in the meantime
heavily grease a 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan

blend again for 10 seconds

add to it
1 1/3 cups of water (room temp)
3 tablespoons extra light olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice

pulse briefly to blend everything together

add mixture to flour

put IMMEDIATELY into the loaf pan and bake for 50 minutes

take out the loaf, don’t let it cool in the loaf pan
wait at least 1 hour before slicing

Rotkraut Rotkohl

1 kg Rotkohl
50 g Schweineschmalz oder Gänseschmalz
1 Zwiebel(n)
2 Äpfel
1 EL Zucker
2 EL Essig
1/4 Liter Wasser
1 Lorbeerblatt
2 Nelke(n)
2 TL Mehl, zum Binden
4 EL Rotwein

Arbeitszeit: ca. 20 Min.

Rotkohl putzen, waschen, Kopf vierteln, Strunk entfernen. Blaukraut hobeln oder fein schneiden.
In heißem Fett gewürfelte Zwiebel, Zucker und fein geschnittene Äpfel andünsten, Blaukraut zugeben und sofort Essig darüber gießen, damit es eine schöne Farbe erhält. 10 Minuten zugedeckt dünsten. 1/4 – 3/8 Liter Wasser aufgießen, Salz und Gewürze dazugeben.
Zugedeckt ca. 30 – 45 Minuten weich dünsten. Bei Bedarf heißes Wasser aufgießen.
Nach Belieben mit angerührtem Mehl binden, mit Rotwein abschmecken.


Iris says: “This delicious bread comes the closest to French bread I’ve had since going gluten, egg and yeast free. It has a crispy outside with a soft and chewy inside. Note that I use white rice flour, which is NOT the same as sweet white rice flour. I don’t recommend changing the flour, so if you can’t have white rice flour, experiment at your own risk.”
  • 1 cup milk (dairy or non-dairy)
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons whole psyllium husks
  • 1 tablespoon oil (canola, olive, etc.)
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened applesauce
  • 1¾ cups white rice flour (254 grams)
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly oil a baking sheet.
  2. Stir together milk and apple cider vinegar. Let sit for a minute, then stir in psyllium and let sit for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, stir in the oil and applesauce.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Make a well in the middle, pour the wet mix in and stir. It will eventually get clumpy and you’ll need to knead it until it comes together in a dough. Alternatively, you can use a food processor to mix them together.
  4. Form into the shape of a French bread, about 8 inches long. Place on baking sheet and brush liberally with extra oil.
  5. Bake for 40 minutes. Allow to rest at least 20 minutes before cutting.
  6. Note: Make sure your oven is preheated so you can get the bread straight into the oven. It won’t rise much but you want to make sure the baking soda and baking powder are working in the oven.

Molten Chocolate Cakes (Monica – mama de John)


  • ½ cup unsalted butter (1 stick, 4 ounces), plus more for buttering the molds
  • 6 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped into small pieces
  • 4 large eggs
  • ¼ cup sugar

2 teaspoons flour, plus more for dusting the molds



  • Using the double boiler method, melt the chocolate and the butter. (Alternatively, you can put the butter in a medium bowl and melt it in the microwave, then add the chocolate to the hot butter and stir until melted).
  • Crack 2 eggs into a bowl, and add 2 more yolks (discard the extra whites). Add the sugar, and beat or whisk until light and thick, about 2 minutes. Add egg mixture and 2 teaspoons flour to the melted chocolate; beat until combined.
  • Butter and lightly flour five 4-ounce molds or ramekins (make sure not to miss any spots, or the cakes will stick). Tap out the excess flour. Divide the batter among the molds. (At this point you can refrigerate them for up to 3 hours; just bring them back to room temperature before baking.)
  • When you’re ready to bake, heat the oven to 450. Put the molds on a rimmed baking sheet and bake until the cakes have puffed up a bit, the tops are barely set and the cakes still jiggle slightly when shaken, 7 to 9 minutes (in my oven, it is exactly 8 minutes. But, better under baked than over baked). Let sit for 1 minute.

Put a plate on top of the ramekin and (with a potholder to protect your hand) carefully invert the cake onto the plate. Let it sit for 10 seconds, then lift up the ramekin. Serve immediately, with ice cream, sorbet or whipped cream.



Empanadas with Black Beans (Monica – mama de John)




Corn flour (PAN, Venezuelan brand)

Salt to taste

Olive oil (or any other oil) to taste

Triguisar or sazon Goya for flavor and color


Preparation of dough


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and work inside the bowl until you get a soft but semi-firm dough


Black Beans


Cook the black beans to the desired consistency. While the beans cook, dice onion, green and red peppers, garlic, scallions and tomatoes. Sautee this mixture, for about 5 minutes, and add any desired seasoning (I use adobo, black pepper, oregano and triguisar). Once this mix is cooked, add to the beans and let the simmer at mid-heat. Let them cook for about 20 minutes until most of the liquid is reduced. They must have a consistency that allows for the empanadas to be fried without liquid dripping off.


Using a roller, extend the dough, add a small amount of black beans and fold dough over the mixture to cover it. Then give it a half moon shape.


Fry empanadas in a deep fryer or in a pan with enough oil.



vegan carrot cake



500g spelt flour

500g carrots (6 large carrots)

6 teaspoons baking powder

2 teaspoon baking soda

6 teaspoons cinnamon

2 teaspoons egg replacer with 2 tablespoons warm water

1 teaspoon nutmeg

2 teaspoons salt

250g applesauce (2 small plastic cups)

2 cups soy milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon imitation rum

1/2 cup brown sugar

60 g maple syrup

½ cup canola oil


peel carrots and grate with kitchen aid

In the stand mixer bowl, whisk together

  • 500g spelt flour
  • 6 teasp. baking powder
  • 2 teasp. baking soda
  • 6 teasp. cinnamon
  • 1 teasp. nutmeg
  • 2 teasp. salt
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar

In the large metal bowl mix 2 teaspoons egg replacer with 2 tablespoons warm water, add

  • 2 packs applesauce
  • 2 cups soy milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon imitation rum
  • 60g maple sirop
  • 1/2 cup canola oil

Preheat the oven to 350°F and grease rectangular metal baking pan.

Mix the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients in the stand mixer

Fold in the carrots and stir until just combined.

Bake for 35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Let cake cool completely before frosting.

  • coconut whip:
    • can of full fat coconut milk, refrigerated overnight
    • a few tablespoons of maple syrup or sifted powdered sugar
    1. Make the coconut whip by carefully opening the coconut milk can and scooping off the thick solidified part on the top. Don’t move or shake the can too much, it’s important that the solid and liquid parts stay separate. (save the liquid part for another use). Whisk the solid part vigorously by hand (or in a mixer). Add maple syrup or powdered sugar to make it as sweet as you like. Spoon a dollop on each muffin and sprinkle with a dusting of cinnamon.

Hans 2 Brote

Zubereitung Vorteig: (Nachmittag)

800g Roggenmehl
1200 ml handwarmes Wasser
2 geh. Teel. Brotgewürz
2 Teel. Honig
2 Esslöffel vom Vorteig vom letzten mal und 1 EL Grundansatz
2 TL Sekowa lose, und 1 EL Sekowa Grundansatz
Saaten zum Mitbacken z.B. Kürbiskerne, Leinsamen

10 min. verrühren (Geschwindigkeit 2) zum weichen Teig (mit K-Haken – nicht Brothaken!) – abgedeckt warm stellen für 12-20 Stunden (28-35 Grad Celsius)

Vormittag: 2 Esslöffel Vorteig abnehmen!!!!!

800 g Dinkelmehl
25 g Salz (rosa Himalaya Salz), zum dem weichen Teigansatz zufügen
noch ein mal 10 min mit Brothaken (!) zum geschmeidigen Teig rühren (Geschwindigkeit 3)
nach ca 2-3 Minuten Mehl vom Rand nach unten schaben und weiter rühren. Dann schon in die Backform füllen. (Boden mit Backpapier auslegen)

Wasser in Schale in den Backofen stellen (aber nicht unter das Brot, da sonst die Wärme nicht ans Brot kommt)

1 Stunde abgedeckt in der Backröhre auf (‘Keep warm’) gehen lassen (75 C)

Kastenformen raus, abgedeckt lassen,

Backofen vorheizen (ca. 13 min) – auf 450 F

der Teig sollte (abgedeckt) weitergären und ca. bis fast an den Rand der Kastenformen steigen, Plastikfolie abnehmen

nach 13 min Vorheizen Brot einschieben

15 Minuten bei 450 F backen

Brotvorderseite nach hinten, mit Wasser bespritzen

30 Minuten bei 375 F, 190 Grad Celsius backen

nocheinmal mit Wasser bespritzen

dann noch 10 Minuten bei ausgeschaltetem Backofen drin lassen

Hirsefrühstück mit Rosinen und Äpfeln (für 2 Personen) (Ute)

Nachfolgend finden Sie zwei wichtige Rezepte für ein warmes Frühstück „Das Hirse-Rezept“ des Zentrum für Traditionelle Chinesische und Integrative Medizin und „Das Hühnersuppe-Rezept“.

Beide Rezepte sollen das Qi im Körper stärken und das Blut nähren.

Hirsefrühstück mit Rosinen und Äpfeln (für 2 Personen)


(E) Butter, (E) Hirse, (E) Rosine, (E) Apfel süßlich, (E) Zimt, (F) Wasser heiß, (M) Ingwer, (H) Dinkelflocken


1 Tasse Hirse (ca. 130g) in den Topf geben und kurz rösten bis sie duftet, die Butter (ca. 20g) dazugeben und mit der Hirse schmelzen. Dann eine Hand voll Rosinen (Geschmackssache, je mehr desto süßer), einen mittelgroßen, klein geschnittenen Apfel in den Topf geben, nach Belieben Zimt darüber stäuben und 2 Tassen Wasser (also die doppelte Menge Wasser wie der Hirseanteil, ca. 350ml) dazugeben. Danach etwas frischen Ingwer (etwa 1-Euro-großes Stück klein geschnitten, oder als Ganzes, um es am Ende dann herauszunehmen und nicht mitzuessen, je nach Belieben) dazugeben und zum Schluss einen Esslöffel Dinkelflocken einrühren. Alles bei kleiner Flamme und geschlossenem Deckel etwa 10min köcheln lassen.

Falls das Frühstück zu trocken und zu körnig ist – noch etwas Wasser zugeben, falls zu weich, dann beim nächsten Mal weniger Wasser nehmen. Es ist möglich, das Hirsefrühstück zu pürieren, weil dann eine gleichmäßige Süße erreicht wird – schmeckt besonders Kindern besser.


  • anderes Obst (z.B. frische Birnen (E), Pfirsiche (H), Mango (E), etc. jedoch keine Bananen)
  • gehackte Walnüsse (E) oder Sonnenblumen- o. Kürbiskerne (E), Mandeln (E)
  • Sojamilch/Reismilch (E) zum Schluss dazu
  • 1 Ei (E) am Ende unterrühren (ist sättigender und das Frühstück bekommt eine cremigere Konsistenz)
  • salzig würzen mit Brühe, Kräutern und Gemüse (Möhren, Lauch, Tomaten etc.)


  • Polenta (E) (Maisgrieß), am besten salzig kochen, z.B. mit Tomaten, Kräutern
  • Hirseflocken, Dinkelflocken, Haferflocken (M) (Flocken müssen nicht so lange kochen und quellen schneller)
  • Sojamilch/Reismilch (E) zum Schluss dazu
  • Getreide: Quinoa (F), Amaranth (F) oder Reis (E) (Variationen: Süßreis (Mochi), Klebreis, Reismischungen, etc.)


Bitte sprechen Sie Rezeptveränderungen mit der Therapeutin/dem Therapeuten ab!

Bitte täglich frisch kochen und zubereiten.

Keine aufgewärmten Speisen, da diese den Heilungsprozess stören!

Vegan Coconut Chia Seed Pudding (internet)

Raw, vegan, and gluten, soy, and dairy free

2 cups coconut milk (light or full fat)
1 cup almond or hemp milk (at room temperature)
2 1/2 tbls maple syrup (add more if prefer a sweeter taste)
1/2 cup chia seeds
3/4 shredded coconut unsweetened
1 cup water
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla bean
1 tsp fresh nutmeg
pinch of salt

1. Combine coconut milk, water and shredded coconut in blender. Mix on high speed until creamy. Empty in bowl and set aside.

2. In same blender add almond milk (at room temperature), cinnamon, vanilla, maple syrup, and pinch of salt and mix together on high until creamy. Pour into large mixing bowl

3. Add chia seeds to the almond milk mixture and whisk briskly until combination thickens.

4. When mixture resembles a pudding texture add the coconut milk and flake mixture and whisk a bit more.

5. Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate 30 -40 minutes before serving. YUM!!!

coconut yoghurt

What You Need

3 (14-ounce) cans coconut milk
3 tablespoons tapioca starch (see Recipe Notes)
6 probiotic capsules, or 4 tablespoons store-bought coconut yogurt
2 tablespoons agave syrup

  1. Shake 3 cans of coconut milk
  2. pour 1/2 a cup of coconut milk into the small pyrex measuring cup
  3. add 3 tablespoons of tapioca starch and mix well
  4. pour the rest and the other 2 cans coconut milk into the red pot. Whisk until the milk is smooth and uniform.
  5. add the tapioca mixture
  6. Warm the coconut milk: Place the pan on the stove over medium heat and warm until the coconut milk starts to simmer. Whisk the milk and transfer to a lower burner. Turn down the heat to medium low.
  7. Add 3 Tablespoons of ground Flax seeds.
  8. Continue cooking, whisking occasionally, for 7 minutes, until the the tapioca starch has thickened the mixture.
  9. Cool the milk: Put into Bain de Marie (biggest metal bowl with ice cubes and cold water): Cool the milk until it’s just warm to the touch, about 100°F. (about 30 minutes)
  10. boil 1 1/2 liters of water
  11. place the small yoghurt jars into the sink and fill them with boiling water to sterilize them. Let stand a few minutes, then pour the water out.
  12. Add the probiotics: Twist open 6 probiotic capsule and pour the powdery contents over the milk (discard the capsule’s casing). Whisk to combine.
  13. Add 2 Tablespoons agave syrup. Whisk together well.
  14. Pour into jars and cook in yogurt machine for 12  hours
  15. add chia
  16. Chill the yogurt: Place the set yogurt into the fridge and chill for at least 6 hours. The yogurt will become thicker as it chills. After this stage, you might find that the mixture has separated with a yellowish, translucent layer at the bottom and a thicker white layer on top. Stir to recombine or scoop off the top layer for thicker coconut yogurt.
  17. Keep coconut yogurt refrigerated and use within 2 weeks.



new version

heat water to sterilize 7 glas jars

pour content of 3 coconut milk cans into red sauce pan

add 6 capsules probiotic

add 2 TS flax seed

add 2 TS Chia

pour into the glass jars

culture for 15 hours

vegan pasta salad

4 cups elbow macaroni shells (GF for gluten free eaters)
1/2 red pepper, diced
1 cup celery, diced
1/4 cup diced red or green onion
1 cup silken firm tofu (make sure it’s silken or it won’t blend right)
2-3 Tbsp dried dill or 4-5 Tbsp fresh
3-4 Tbsp agave nectar or cane sugar (or honey if not vegan)
1/4 tsp sea salt, black pepper & garlic powder
2 Tbsp vinegar (white wine is best)
2 Tbsp grape seed or olive oil
1 Tbsp spicy mustard for tang
(water to thin)

Cook noodles according to package instructions, drain and set aside.
Chop veggies and set aside.
Prepare dressing by adding silken tofu, dill, salt, pepper garlic powder, agave nectar (or sugar), vinegar, grape seed oil, and spicy mustard to a blender and blending until well combined. Scrape down sides as needed. If having trouble blending add water in Tablespoon amounts until it has enough liquid to churn properly.
Taste and adjust seasonings as needed. I added more dill, mustard, salt and agave.
Toss drained noodles and veggies with the dressing in a large serving bowl. Chill for at least 1-2 hours before serving. The flavors will meld and the salad will thicken up the longer it chills.
Serves 8. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to a few days.

Quinoa Salad Recipe with Lime + Fresh Mint (vegan)

This cool, refreshing salad (which just so happens to be vegan and naturally gluten-free) reminds me of tabbouleh- a Middle Eastern style pasta dish I used to love. What makes a quinoa salad taste so fabulous? Fresh mint, lime juice and good tasting extra virgin olive oil.


1 cup uncooked quinoa
2 tablespoons fruity extra virgin olive oil
Juice from 2 limes
2-3 fresh mint sprigs, leaves removed and chopped
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro leaves or parsley
Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste
A handful of sweet and ripe cherry or grape tomatoes, quartered
2 tablespoons diced red onion- or use 2 chopped scallions
1 garlic clove, minced


Cook the quinoa in 2 and 1/4 to 2 1/2 cups fresh water, covered, until all of the water is absorbed. Add a small pinch sea salt, if desired. Note: I use my rice cooker to do this. The quinoa turns out fluffy, tender and perfect.

Scoop the cooked quinoa into a bowl and add the remaining ingredients. Toss lightly with a fork until combined.

Taste test and adjust seasonings.

Cover and chill- the longer, the better. In fact, I think this salad tastes even better the second day- so plan ahead if you need a make-ahead dish for a party.

Makes 4-6 servings.

Gluten free bread with zucchini (internet)

1 cup diced zucchini
2 eggs
1/2 cup canola oil
1 teaspoon gluten-free vanilla extract
1 cup brown rice flour
1/2 cup cornstarch,
2 tablespoons guam starch
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 table spoon cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup white sugar

reheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease a large loaf pan.
Combine diced zucchini, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup canola oil , and 1 teaspoon vanilla extract in a blender
pulse until mixture resembles a milkshake.

Whisk together 1 cup brown rice flour, 1/2 cup cornstarch, 2 tablespoons guam starch, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 table spoon cinnamon, 3/4 teaspoon baking soda, 1/3 cup white sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a large bowl. Stir zucchini mixture into flour mixture until batter is well blended; pour into prepared loaf pan.
Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, about 35 minutes.

cornbread sugar free (Hans)

2cups cornmeal
1teaspoon salt
2teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon stevia
1teaspoon baking soda
1 1⁄2 cups soy milk
1⁄4 cup melted butter spread (5 tablespoons)


Combine ingredients in a large bowl, then mix by hand until batter is just moistened.
Pour into 8×8 cake pan (oiled)
Bake for 30 minutes at 180 Celsius

Nudelauflauf (Mutti Ute)

1.7 l Wasser kochen

2  Dr. Praegers – California burger auftauen

310g glutenfreie Nudeln (ancient harvest) kochen
(8 Minuten nachdem das Wasser wieder kocht)

250g gefrohrenes Gemüse,
(mit ganz wenig Wasser im Topf auftauen, während die Nudeln kochen)

Ofen auf 305F vorheizen

in grosse Metallschüssel

3 Eier, mit Schneebesen etwas schlagen
100ml Soja Milch
2 gr. EL Hüttenkäse oder Columbianischer Käse klein gewürfelt
Salz (2 EL flüssiges)
2 veggie Burger kleinschneiden

Nudeln und Gemüse dazu und gut mischen

Jenaglas form fetten

in der Mitte eine Schicht Käse
oben drauf eine Schicht Käse

etwas geräucherter Paprika (Pulver)

40minuten bei 150C / 305F Umluft ohne Deckel backen

Roasted Chicken in the oven

20 minutes prep
1 1/2 in oven
20 minutes resting (covered)

1 (5 to 6 pound) roasting chicken
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1 large bunch fresh thyme, plus 20 sprigs
1 lemon, halved
1 head garlic, cut in half crosswise
2 tablespoons (1/4 stick) butter, melted
1 large yellow onion, thickly sliced
4 carrots cut into 2-inch chunks
1 bulb of fennel, tops removed, and cut into wedges
Olive oil

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.

Cut one onion largely, 4 carrots and fennel, sprinkle with salt and pepper, adobo and put into roasting pan. Put olive oil on top and mix them well.

Heat 1/4 stick of butter in microwave.

Make mix of herbs, garlic powder, salt

Rinse the chicken inside and out, pat the outside dry. Liberally salt and pepper the inside of the chicken. Stuff the cavity with the bunch of thyme, both halves of lemon, and all the garlic.

Brush the outside of the chicken with the butter and sprinkle with herb mix.

Tie the legs together with kitchen string and tuck the wing tips under the body of the chicken and place the chicken on top of the veggies.
Roast the chicken for 1 1/2 hours, or until the juices run clear when you cut between a leg and thigh. (175 Fahrenheit with food term.)

Remove the chicken and vegetables into Jenaglas and cover for about 20 minutes.

Sekowa Grundansatz (Hans)

1. Stufe

4 Tablespoons (40g) Sekowa

250ml Wasser (40 Celsius)

200g Dinkelmehl

12-18 Stunden bei 28-30 Celsius


2. Stufe

300g Dinkelmehl zufügen

150-200ml Wasser (40 Grad)

2 Tablesp. Sekowa Pulver

der Teig soll nicht zu trocken sein

5-7 Stunden (letztes mal habe ich es 18 Stunden gelassen) bei 28-30 Grad


Hans Brot – Vollkornbrot mit Sekowa Backferment (neue Version 2015)

ein 3-Pfundbrot (Kastenbrot – Kaiser Brotbackformen 30cm)

Zubereitung Vorteig: (Nachmittag)

500g Roggenmehl
750 ml handwarmes Wasser
1 geh. Teel. Brotgewürz
1 Teel. Honig
2 Esslöffel vom Vorteig vom letzten mal und 1 EL Grundansatz
2 TL Sekowa lose, und 2 EL Sekowa Grundansatz
Saaten zum Mitbacken z.B. Kürbiskerne, Leinsamen

10 min. verrühren (Geschwindigkeit 2) zum weichen Teig (mit K-Haken – nicht Brothaken!) – abgedeckt warm stellen für 12-20 Stunden (28-35 Grad Celsius)

Vormittag: 2 Esslöffel Vorteig abnehmen!!!!!

500 g Dinkelmehl
14 g Salz (rosa Himalaya Salz), zum dem weichen Teigansatz zufügen
noch ein mal 10 min mit Brothaken (!) zum geschmeidigen Teig rühren (Geschwindigkeit 3)
nach ca 2-3 Minuten Mehl vom Rand nach unten schaben und weiter rühren. Dann schon in die Backform füllen. (Boden mit Backpapier auslegen)

Wasser in Schale in den Backofen stellen (aber nicht unter das Brot, da sonst die Wärme nicht ans Brot kommt)

1 Stunde abgedeckt in der Backröhre auf (‘Keep warm’) gehen lassen (75 C)

Kastenformen raus, abgedeckt lassen,

Backofen vorheizen (ca. 13 min) – auf 450 F

der Teig sollte (abgedeckt) weitergären und ca. bis fast an den Rand der Kastenformen steigen, Plastikfolie abnehmen

nach 13 min Vorheizen Brot einschieben

15 Minuten bei 450 F backen

Brotvorderseite nach hinten, mit Wasser bespritzen

30 Minuten bei 375 F, 190 Grad Celsius backen

nocheinmal mit Wasser bespritzen

dann noch 10 Minuten bei ausgeschaltetem Backofen drin lassen

Volkorn Blitzbrot (Kirstin)

675 g Dinkelmehl (oder 50/50 Dinkel und Roggen)

1/2 Liter Wasser

1 Tüte Hefe

1 1/2 TL Salz

1/2 TL Honig

1 TL Brotgewürz

2 EL Sonnenblumenkerne, Sesam


Wasser in eine Schüssel geben. Salz, Honig, Sesam, Hefe, Brotgewürz und Sonnenblumenkerne dazu. Mehl eßlöffelweise dazu und verrühren.

Dann 3 Minuten mit K-Haken kneten.

Kastenform mit Margarine einreiben, Teig einfüllen und Oberfläche glatt streichen. mit einem Messer einen Längsschnitt ausführen. Gefäß mit Wasser unten in den Ofen. Dann das Brot in den kalten Ofen stellen und 1 Stunde bei mittlerer Hitze (150 Celsius) backen.

Sekowa Grundansatz

1. Stufe
20 g Backferment (4 Tablespoons)
220ml spring water (at 40 Celsius)

mix well in small recipient

warm up the metal mixing bowl with warm water and dry it

pour in the mix and add 200g spelt flour, mix for a while

cover with plastic and put for 12-18 hours into the oven
(switch on the oven light and put the 40Watt light bulp)

The temperature should be 28-30 Celsius

Thüringer Klösse (Katrin)

2015-12-25 12.54.15  2015-12-25 12.54.21

2015-12-25 13.49.42Pro Person 1 Kg Kartoffeln schälen (Gewicht der ungeschälten Kartoffeln)

1 Drittel klein schnippeln und mit viel Wasser bedecken, 25 Minuten kochen, oft rühren, damit es nicht anbrennt

2 Drittel roh lassen, im Entsafter pressen – je nach Gerät einige Minuten zentrifugieren,
damit die Masse schön trocken wird

Die Trockenmasse in kleine Stückchen zupfen und eventuelle Kartoffelstückchen
aussortieren und der Kochmasse zufügen.

Von der zentrifugierten Flüssigkeit setzt sich Stärke ab, die kann man auch der Kochmasse beifügen

An die Trockenmasse Kartoffelstärke (1 EL) und Salz (2 EL) zufügen.

Kochmasse mit Pürierstab klumpenfrei mixen. Dann wieder unter Rühren aufkochen.

Der Hälfte des heissen Breis (99.8 Grad Celsius) über die Trockenmasse giessen und mit einem grossen Holzquirl verrühren. (das geht am besten zu zweit, wobei eine Person die Schüssel festhält, während der andere rührt.)

Dann die zweite Hälfte der Kochmasse zufügen und verrühren. Die Masse ist ausreichend
verrührt, wenn beim Rühren schmatzende Geräusche entstehen.

(Die Masse muss glasig werden. Ansonsten Kartoffelstärke in kaltem Wasser anrühren, und aufkochen und zur Masse zufügen.)

Masse abschmecken und evtl. mehr Salz zufügen. Die Masse sollte jetzt schon gut schmecken.

Wasser in grossem Topf kochen, bisschen Salzen (1 EL) (z.B. 2 TL Salz für 10 Personen)

Weissbrot würfeln und in Butter rösten.

Hände in kaltes Wasser tauchen und Klösse formen (Bröckchen rein).

In heisses (nicht kochendes) Wasser legen – 20 Minuten ziehen lassen.




Weihnachts – Stollen

Rezept für 3 Stollen

625g Rosinen in einer Flasche Rum einlegen – oder in Orangensaft (3 Tage)


1/4 Liter Sojamilch
1 1/4 kg Mehl
150 g Zucker
500g Butter
250g gemahlene Mandeln (hell, oder blanchierte)
150g Zitronat
150g Orangeat (je 1 1/2 Packungen)
1/2 Zitrone
2 Vanilleschoten
1 TL Honig
3 Pack Frischhefe (je 42g)

stollen-mandeln stollen-citronat stollen-orangeat   stollen-hefe

alles Mehl in Schüssel, Kuhle in der Mitte machen,
Milch (handwarm) in die Kuhle,
Frischhefe reinbröseln
1 TL Honig
mit dem Handmixer die Hefe und Milch verrühren, aber nicht
zu viel Mehl mit reinrühren (den Mixer nicht zu tief nach unten bewegen)

stollen-ruehren1 stollen-ruehren2 stollen-ruehren3

30 Minuten abgedeckt warm stellen

Butter in Mikrowelle erwärmen
das Innere der Vanilleschoten mit einem Messer auskratzen  und in die Butter mischen
dazu Zucker, Zitronat und Orangeat, Mandeln, Zitronenschale und Saft
alles mit Handmixer vermischen und abkühlen lassen – darf nur handwarm sein, wenn es später mit dem vorgegangenen Teig vermischt wird


Der vorgegangene Teig muss so hochgekommen sein, dass er das trockene Mehl vollkommen bedeckt.


Buttermischung an den Vorteig geben, mit der Maschine (K-Haken) langsam für 10 Minuten rühren

stollen-ruehren4 stollen-aufgegangen2

abgedeckt eine Stunde warm stellen

(die Rosinen kommen erst ganz am Ende dazu)

Jetzt auf der Tischplatte (auf Backpapier) kneten – und langsam die Rosinen einarbeiten.
Man muss sich Zeit dafür nehmen – ca. 20 Minuten. Die Rosinen dürfen nicht zerquetscht werden
und am Ende gleichmässig in der Masse verteilt sein.

stollen-kneten1 stollen-kneten2 stollen-aufgegangen3

In ein Rechteck ausdrücken und zusammen rollen. So aufs Blech positionieren, dass das “Ende” der Rolle oben seitlich ist. Durch das Gehen und den Backvorgang kommt die “Falte” dann in der Mitte heraus.

Auf dem Blech ca. eine Stunde gehen lassen (Raumtemperatur).

Eine Stunde bei 150 C (Umluft) backen.

Omar’s meatsauce

1/2 big white onion

1 pound faarmers organic grass-fed ground beef (93%lean)

2 tablespoons olive oil

oregano, herbes de provence, thyme, bay leaves

2 ajicitos

1/2 green pepper

2 tomatoes

1/2 glas of organic tomato basil marinara


cut onion small, put with oit in large pan, cook for 1 minute

add meat and cook for 10 minutes

season with marjoram, oregano, herbes de provence, thyme

put fire high to fry it a bit

add cut 2 ajicito and 1/2 green pepper

1 tablesp. liquid salt

cook for 10 minutes more

cut two tomatoes small and add them

cook for 4-5 more minutes

add tomatoe sauce

cook 5 more minutes, taste and put some more salt

coconut bread


2/3 cup coconut flour (sift it )

2/3 cup of buckwheat flour

 1⁄2 cup coconut cream (full cream at the

top of canned coconut milk), warmed gently

2 Tbsp. coconut oil

1⁄2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. aluminum-free baking powder

6 eggs

ground Chea seeds


1. Using a whisk, or an electric mixer on medium speed, beat eggs in a large bowl until foamy. Add coconut cream and coconut oil to the eggs and whisk, or with mixer on low, mix well.

2. Into a medium bowl,  sift (!) coconut flour. Add buckwheat flour, chea, salt, baking powder.

3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). With a brush, oil a loaf pan with melted coconut oil. Cut a piece of parchment paper the width of the bottom of the loaf pan and long enough to overlap the ends of the pan. Brush parchment paper with coconut oil, set aside.

4.Stir flour mixture into egg mixture just until a smooth batter forms.

5. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan and bake for about 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center of a loaf comes out clean. Cool in pan for 5 minutes. Run a knife along the sides of the loaf to loosen and then lift loaf out of pan by the ends of the parchment paper. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.


1.Sifting is important. . . Coconut flour clumps, so make sure to sift before combining with other dry ingredients.

2.Not all coconut milk is created equal. . . If the cream at the top of the canned coconut milk is very thick or waxy, replace tablespoon for tablespoon with the canned coconut liquid, up to 3 tablespoons, for a lighter loaf. Always warm coconut cream gently to a liquid before adding to egg mixture.

3.Batter will be fairly stiff. . . For a thinner loaf, spread batter evenly in bottom of pan. For a thicker loaf, spoon batter into one end of the prepared loaf pan, covering about 2/3 of the bottom and bake an extra 5 – 10 minutes.


Hashed Brussels sprouts with Lemon Zest (NYT)

This is a pain-free way to cook a whole lot of brussels sprouts, so long as you have a food processor. (And if you’re cooking Thanksgiving dinner, you deserve to have a food processor.)


25 minutes


8 to 12 servings


  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice, more to taste
  • Grated zest of 1 lemon
  • 2 to 3 pounds brussels sprouts
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 tablespoons black mustard seeds, cumin seeds, or poppy seeds
  • 1/4 cup dry white wine or vermouth
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Place lemon juice in a large bowl. Cut bottoms off sprouts, and discard. Working in batches, use a food processor fitted with the slicing blade to cut sprouts into thin slices. (If cutting by hand, halve sprouts lengthwise, and thinly slice them crosswise. The slices toward the stem end should be thinner, to help pieces cook evenly.) As you work, transfer slices into bowl with lemon juice. When all sprouts are sliced, toss them in juice and use your fingers to separate leaves. (Recipe can be prepared to this point and refrigerated, covered, for up to 3 hours.)
  2. When ready to serve, heat oil and butter over high heat in a skillet large enough to hold all sprouts. When very hot, add sprouts, garlic and seeds, and cook, stirring often, until sprouts are wilted and lightly cooked, but still bright green and crisp, about 4 minutes. Some leaves may brown slightly.
  3. Add wine and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring, 1 minute more. Turn off heat, add salt and pepper to taste, and more lemon juice if desired. Stir in the lemon zest, reserving a little for top of dish. Transfer to a serving bowl, sprinkle with remaining zest and serve.

Coconut Brown Rice


1  1″ piece peeled fresh ginger
1 cup brown jasmine rice
3⁄4 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1⁄2 tsp. kosher salt
Cilantro sprigs for garnish

1. Using the back of a large knife, pound the ginger until it becomes bruised and somewhat stringy and releases some of is juice. This will take a few good whacks.

2. Rinse the rice in a strainer under cold running water for 30 seconds. Transfer the rice to a 1 1⁄2-quart saucepan and add the coconut milk, 3⁄4 cup cold water, and the salt.

3. Add the ginger to the pan and stir well to combine with the rice, making sure that the ginger is as fully submerged in the rice as possible. Place the pan over high heat and bring the liquid to a boil while stirring with a large spoon to prevent the rice at the bottom of the pan from scorching or burning. (Don’t worry if the liquid thickens considerably as it comes to a boil; that’s a result of the combining of the fats in the coconut milk with the starch in the rice.)

4. Allow the rice to boil for 15 seconds, while continuing to stir. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer, covered, until the liquid is completely absorbed and rice is tender, about 45 minutes. Remove the pot from heat; allow the rice to continue to steam, covered, for 10 minutes. Fluff rice with a fork and garnish with sprigs of cilantro.

Asparagus Shandong-Style (Liang Ban Lu-Sun)



1 ½ lbs. asparagus, trimmed and cut crosswise on the diagonal into 2″ pieces
1 tbsp. Japanese reduced-sodium soy sauce
1 tsp. Asian sesame oil
2 drops red chile oil
½ tsp. toasted sesame seeds


1. Bring a medium pot of water to a boil over high heat. Add asparagus to pot and cook until tender-crisp and bright green, 1½–2 minutes. Do not overcook. Drain, then immediately plunge into a large bowl of ice water; set aside to cool, 2–3 minutes. Drain again, then transfer to paper towels, pat dry, and set aside.

2. Whisk together soy sauce, sesame oil, and chile oil in a medium bowl. Add asparagus and toss. Transfer to a serving bowl and garnish with sesame seeds.

Kale and Avocado Salad


1⁄2 cup fresh orange juice
3 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
2 tsp. soy sauce
1 clove garlic, smashed and chopped into a paste
4 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
3 avocados, halved, pitted, and peeled
2 tbsp. raw hemp seeds (optional)
1 bunch kale (about 3⁄4 lb.), stemmed and finely chopped
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

1. Whisk together juices, soy sauce, and garlic in a bowl. Slowly whisk in oil; set dressing aside.

2. Cut 2 avocados into 1⁄2″ cubes and thinly slice the remaining avocado. Put cubed avocados, half of the hemp seeds, and kale into a serving bowl. Toss kale mixture with dressing and season generously with salt and pepper. Divide salad between plates and garnish with sliced avocado and remaining hemp seeds.

Skillet Asparagus



2 lbs. asparagus
2 tbsp. unsalted butter
Salt and freshly ground black pepper


1. Rinse asparagus in cold water and trim off tough ends of stalks. Put butter in a heavy skillet with a tight-fitting lid and heat until butter is foaming. Lay asparagus in the pan and shake from side to side to coat asparagus gently with melted butter; cover tightly and cook over medium heat for 3 minutes. Check asparagus and turn as needed to make sure the stalks cook evenly and don’t burn.

2. Continue cooking 5 minutes longer, or until asparagus is tender but still crisp and bright green. Season to taste with salt and pepper and serve hot.

brown rice


1 cup short, medium, or long-grain brown rice
Kosher salt, to taste


1. Rinse rice in a strainer under cold running water for 30 seconds. Bring 12 cups water to a boil in a large pot with a tight-fitting lid over high heat. Add the rice, stir it once, and boil, uncovered, for 30 minutes. Pour the rice into a strainer over the sink.

2. Let the rice drain for 10 seconds, then return it to the pot, off the heat. Cover the pot and set it aside to allow the rice to steam for 10 minutes. Uncover the rice, fluff with a fork, and season with salt.

Tangy Black Bean Soup Slow Cooker Recipe (internet)

slow cooker

serves 8
1 pound black beans, soaked overnight and drained
1 (15-ounce) can diced tomatoes, drained
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 red bell pepper, seeded and diced
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon allspice
1 tablespoon cumin
1 teaspoon chipotle chile powder
1 orange, juiced
1 lime, juiced
4 cups chicken broth (or vegetable!!)
The Directions.
Use a 6-quart slow cooker. Put the soaked and drained black beans into your slow cooker.

Add the tomatoes, garlic, bell pepper, and all dried spices. Now add the orange and lime juices, and stir in the broth until the spices and broth are completely distributed. Cover and cook on low for 8 to 10 hours, or until the beans are completely soft. Blend with a hand-held stick blender (I use this one, but mine is white) or carefully scoop the soup into a traditional blender and pulse until the soup is fully blended.


black beans in pressure cooker (Hans)

soak 500g beans over night, rinse next day

heat 1 1/2 liter water in waterboiler

In pressure cooker over medium-high heat, pour in 3 tablespoons oil.

Add 2 cloves of minced garlic.

Add the beans and give a good stir. Pour in the water; add the remaining tablespoon of oil, 1 tablespoon of salt,

bring to high pressure. Lower heat to maintain pressure and start timing. Cook at high pressure for 25 minutes.

Cook’s note: The oil prevents the beans from foaming and clogging the steam vent of the pressure



cut 2 shalots or 1 onion, green onion, aji, 1 tomato, cilantro !!!, parsley

in cooking pan heat olive oil and stir them in


after 25 min. turn off beans and release the steam.

mix beans with aligno and cook for 5 more minutes, then add oregano and 2 more minced garlic

cook for final 5 minutes



ensalada de Klaus (spanish translation)


– 3 ramas de Ajoporro

– 2 latas de Piña

– 500 grs de Jamón Cocido (o salmon ahumado o queso Munster)

– 6 Huevos

– 4 o 5 ramas completas de Celery

– Mayonesa, si es posible usa mayonesa light.



– Lavar el ajoporro y el celery. Debes asegurarte de lavar muy bien el ajoporre ya que este generalmente contiene arena en el interior.

– Primero hacer un corte transversal a cada ajoporro. Luego utilizando toda la parte blanca y hasta una cierta parte del área verde del ajoporro, picar las partes transversales en finas rodajas de aprox. 1/2 cm  (Saber cuanto del ajoporro utilizar depende de que tan fresco esta el mismo y si te gusta su parte verde).

– Después, Picar el celery en finas ruedas (también de 1/2 cm de ancho aprox.)

– Volver a lavar estos vegetales con abundante agua usando un colador.

– Cocinar el ajoporro en una sartén con un poquito de agua hirviendo por 5 mins (el agua debe cubrir apenas los vegetales, sin exceder).

– Cocinar el celery  en una sartén con un poquito de agua hirviendo por 5 mins (el agua debe cubrir apenas los vegetales, sin exceder).

– Por otro lado, picar las ruedas de piña en 6 partes cada una

– Picar el jamón en cuadros de 1 cm.

– Poner a hervir agua en una olla mediana, cuando el agua este hirviendo colocar los huevos cuidadosamente con una cucharilla, dejarlos hervir por 10 minutos. Luego apagar la llama y llevar la olla al fregadero y colocar agua fresca para dejar enfriar los huevos. Quitar las cascaras y picar en rebanadas.


– En un bowl alto, colocar primero el ajoporro, pues la piña picada. Seguido agregar el jamón cocido ya picado. La capa siguiente es el celery, pues los huevos. Después se debe agregar la mayonesa haciendo una película que cubra toda la superficie de la ensalada dentro del bowl para que no entre aire y así todos los ingredientes de la misma puedan reaccionar y mezclarse adecuadamente.


Ojo: No se debe revolver la ensalada en este momento. Es importante dejar cada capa reposar individualmente mientras se refrigera por unas horas.


– Cubrir el bowl con Emboplast. Llevar al refrigerador  y dejar por un mínimo de 2 horas (de 2 a 24 horas). Para un mejor resultado es recomendable hacer esta ensalada en víspera (de un día para otro), ya que un tiempo mayor al de 12 horas permite que los componentes de la ensalada unan sus sabores.

– Al sacar del refrigerador puedes mezclar (revolver) la ensalada. Esto se hace justo antes de servir.


– Este tipo de ensalada no necesita sal u otro condimento. Pero si alguien desea agregar sal, puede hacerlo al gusto y al momento de servir.


Buen provecho!!!  Que la disfruten!!!

blueberry cherry cake (internet)

IMG_53861 cup spelt flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 oz (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
2 large eggs
2 cups blueberries, rinsed and drained (if using frozen blueberries, thaw and drain first)

(I used one pack of frozen blueberries and two cans of cherries)

1 teaspoon lemon juice
Powdered sugar for dusting

Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly butter a 9-inch springform pan. Put second metal form under the springform.

Soften 1 stick of butter in microwave.

Thaw blueberries.

Beat the butter on medium high speed for 2 minutes. Then add 1 cup sugar and vanilla and beat until light and fluffy, a couple minutes more. Add the 2 eggs one at a time and beat until well blended.

Combine 1 cup of flour with 1 teaspoon baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon salt in separate recipient.

Reduce the speed of the mixer to low and slowly add the flour mixture, beating until smooth. Pour the batter into the prepared baking pan.

Strain two cans of cherries. Combine with thawed blueberries and juice of 1/2 lemon.

Spoon the berry mixture over the batter.

Bake on middle rack in oven for 1 hour at 350°F, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Remove from oven and let the cake cool in the pan for 10 minutes. Carefully slide a thin knife around the edges of the cake to release it from the pan. Transfer the cake to a platter, berry side up. Dust the cake with powdered sugar before serving.

Aprikosenkuchen (internet)


250 g Mehl
250 g Butter
250 g Puderzucker
1 Pck. Vanillinzucker
1/2 Pck. Backpulver
4 Ei(er)
1/4 Liter Likör, Schokolikör (Ersatz Trinkkakao)
700 g Pflaumen, (Zwetschken)
Für die Streusel:
150 g Mehl
120 g Butter
100 g Zucker
1 EL Kakaopulver


Arbeitszeit: ca. 25 Min. / Schwierigkeitsgrad: normal / Brennwert p. P.: keine Angabe

Butter mit Staubzucker, Van.Zucker schaumig rühren, danach Eier zugeben, Likör und Mehl mit Backp. vermischt unterheben, auf ein mit Backpapier ausgelegtes Blech ca. 30×20 oder 28-er Form streichen und mit den halbierten Zwetschken belegen.

Streusel: Butter mit Mehl und Zucker und Kakaopulver vermischen und über die Zwetschken krümeln.

Backen bei 170° ca. 40 min.

crispy cauliflower and fish bake recipe (internet)

Soft ling fish fillets are combined with a cauliflower puree and baked in a creamy sauce till meltingly tender in this recipe. It’s topped with chunks of crispy multigrain bread that creates a serious flavour sensation that will please the whole family. It’s a real winner for a weeknight dinner.


600 g cauliflower, cut into small florets

2½ cups milk

Salt & pepper

2 tbsp Coles olive oil

1 small brown onion, finely chopped

2 small carrots, diced

1 celery stick, diced

1 clove garlic, finely chopped

400 g white fish fillets, cut into 3cm chunks

1 tbsp chopped dill

4 slices multigrain bread, torn into large chunks


Preheat oven to 220°C conventional/200°C fan forced. Place cauliflower and milk in a medium sized saucepan over medium heat. Bring to low simmer and cook for 5-7 minutes, until soft. Strain cauliflower and reserve milk. Puree cauliflower in blender until very smooth and thick. Add reserved milk if needed. Season with salt and pepper to taste and set aside.

Heat 1 tbsp oil in large frying pan over medium heat and add onion. Cook for 3 minutes until softened. Add carrots, celery and garlic and cook for 5 minutes until tender. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Add fish, cauliflower purée and dill into the pan with the onion mixture and combine well. Pour into small greased baking dish.

Toss bread with 1 tbsp oil. Scatter over fish mixture. Bake on top rack in oven for 20 minutes, or until bread is golden brown.

at the end, turn on broiler – NOT MORE THAN 2 minutes



You could substitute any firm-fleshed fish in this recipe, salmon would also taste great.

Add some broccoli for a change.

Bienenstich (Ute)

3 cups of flower

2 cups brown sugar

1 cup Buttermilch (or Soy Milk)

4 eggs

1 pack baking powder

1 cup coco rajado

1 Becher Sahne (200 g)

1 Stück Butter ( 4 sticks)

1 Löffel Honig


mix eggs with sugar + a little bit of vanille (must create a brown-yellow cream)

then mix milk and baking powder into the cream

then mix the flower

backblech mit Backpapier auslegen, Creme ausbreiten

1 Tasse Kokosraspeln drauf geben

150 Celsius Umluft = normaler Ofen 180 Celsius

ca. 20 Minuten – man muss schauen, die Oberfläche muss leicht bräunlich werden


Stück Butter in Mikrowelle 90 Sekunden flüssig werden lassen

mix it with Sahne and Honey


Butter und Sahne-Mischung auf den heissen Kuchen, dann mit der Gabel einpiecksen, damit

die Flüssigkeit in den Teig eindringt



eggplant with miso (Steve) – super delicious!!!!

eggplantserves 2 persons

1 eggplant

sake rice wine
miso paste
rosted sesame seeds
sesame oil

peel eggplant and cut into 1/2 inch cubes
put 3 minutes in microwave in loosely covered container
put sesame oil in large frying pan and roast till little brown and tender

roast sesame seeds again in small frying pan without oil – don’t burn
crush with mortar

put sake into frying pan, heat up and add 1-2 TS miso paste (not too much, otherwise
it becomes too salty)
dissolve until creamy sauce
add crushed sesame seeds

mix sauce with fried eggplant



Smashed celeriac for a salad

1 celeriac, peeled

olive oil
1 handful fresh thyme, leaves picked
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
3-4 tablespoons water or organic stock
Slice about 1cm/½ inch off the bottom of your celeriac and roll it on to that flat edge, so it’s nice and safe to slice. Slice and dice it all up into 1cm/½ inch-ish cubes.

Put a casserole-type pot on a high heat, add 3 good lugs of olive oil, then add the celeriac, thyme and garlic, with a little seasoning. Stir around to coat and fry quite fast, giving a little colour, for 5 minutes.

Turn the heat down to a simmer, add the water or stock, place a lid on top and cook for around 25 minutes, until tender.

Potato, pear and celeriac gratin

The addition of pears enhances the celeriac’s sweet, aromatic quality. Serve with something hearty, such as slow-cooked shoulder of lamb or pork. Serves six as a side dish.

1 knob butter
About 400g floury potatoes
About 400g celeriac
2 firm, medium pears (about 300g)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
400ml double cream
100ml whole milk
1 clove garlic, peeled and halved
1 bay leaf
1 good grating nutmeg

Heat the oven to 170C/335F/gas mark 3. Rub a gratin dish with the butter.

Peel the potatoes and slice them thinly, either with a sharp knife or a mandoline. Cut the outer layer off the celeriac and slice this thinly, too. Peel, quarter and core the pears, and slice each quarter thinly lengthwise. Combine the vegetables and pear in a bowl, season and toss. Arrange the mixture in the gratin dish, pressing it as flat as possible so there are not too many gaps and air pockets.

Put the cream and milk in a saucepan with the garlic halves, the bay leaf, the nutmeg and plenty of salt and pepper, and heat until just below boiling. Pour over the veg in the dish (take the bay leaf out at this stage, but keep the garlic in).

Bake for an hour and a quarter to an hour and a half. The gratin is ready when the top is golden and bubbling, and a small, sharp knife easily pierces the vegetables all the way through. You may want to turn up the heat to 190-200C (gas mark 5 or 6) for five minutes at the end for a bit of extra bubbling crispness. Leave to rest and cool for five minutes or so before serving.

Baby Bok Choy With Garlic

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12 -14 baby bok choy (washed thoroughly)
cut the stems to have the leaves individually
it’s easier to clean that way

1/8 cup unsalted butter
5 teaspoons minced garlic (or to taste)
1 1/2 cups canned low sodium chicken broth


Melt butter in heavy large skillet over moderate heat.
Add minced garlic and saute about 2-3 minutes until barely golden/brown.
Add bok choy and chicken broth and simmer until bok choy is tender, turning occasionally, about 8 minutes.
Season with salt and pepper.

frisado de limon (Herminia)

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–       1 Lata de leche condensada

–       1 taza de jugo de limón (taza de Venezolana o cualquier taza mediana para tomar café con leche)

–       4 huevos grandes o 5 pequeños

–       1 paquete grande de galletas María

–       1 o 2 cucharadas de mantequilla

–       2 o 3 cucharadas rasas de azúcar

–       1 cucharadita ralladura de limón (opcional)

–       Tiras de concha de limón o hojas de menta para decorar tope

–       Utilizar un molde de vidrio pyrex



Mezclar la taza de limón con la leche condensada y todas las yemas de los huevos (el amarillo de los huevos), reservando la clara de los huevos en un recipiente aparte. A esta mezcla se le agrega la ralladura de limón (opciona). Mezclar bien.

Las galletas se osterizan (licuar en una licuadora) para pulverizarlas. Quedan casi como pan rallado.

En un recipiente tipo bowl, batir las claras a punto de nieve (esto se puede hacer con un batidor eléctrico). Mientras se va batiendo se le va agregando el azúcar (una cucharada rasa a la vez) hasta que la clara alcance el punto de nieve.

Al tener lista la clara a punto de nieve, incorporar a la mezcla poco a poco. Usar una paleta de madera y mover circular y desde el fondo hasta arriba para que la clara no se deshaga, se incorpore bien a la mezcla y mantenga su volumen.  Agregar a la mezcla 3 o 4 cucharadas de las galletas María pulverizadas (una cucharada a la vez) mezclando cuidadosamente.

Colocar la mezcla en el recipiente pyrex. Poner en el tope el resto de las galletas pulverizadas y decorar con tiras de concha de limón o hojas de menta. Cubrir pyrex con cobertor plástico para envolver (envoplast). Llevar al congelador por al menos 12 horas (hacer de víspera)


Antes de comer, dejar reposar fuera de la nevera por unos 10 minutos para que suavice un poco.



Receta de la Tía Herminia L.




–       500 gr. de lentejas

–       150 – 170 grs.  de chuleta de jamón o cerdo ahumado (en USA: boneless ham steak smoked) picado en cubos pequeños

–       1 Cucharada de Sal de Himalaya disuelta en agua o pisca sal marina en polvo.


–       1 cebolla mediana picada en cubos o juliana muy delgada

–       1 rama de cebollín picado (green onion)

–       ½ pimentón rojo grande picado en juliana

–       2 cucharadas de perejil picadito

–       6 dientes de ajo machacado

–       3 ají dulce picaditos (opcional)

–       Orégano

–       Pisca de mezcla de Ute o Comino/ pisca de adobo.

–       1 papeleta de sazón Goya de Culantro + Achiote

–       ½ cucharadita de Onoto en polvo

–       1 taza de agua caliente con un cubito peq. (caldo de pollo) disuelto



Paso 1:

Lavar las lentejas 2 veces desechando el agua. Luego colocar en una olla mediana llenar de agua hasta 5 cm por encima de las lentejas. Agregar la sal. Hervir por 15 min. Retirar el agua y reservar.

Paso 2:

En una sartén poner a calentar un chorrito de aceite de canola. Una vez caliente, agregar el cerdo picado y sofreírlo por 5 min. Agregar el ajo, la cebolla, ají dulce (opcional), el pimentón rojo, cebollín y perejil. Sofreír por unos 2 min. Agregar el sobre de culantro y achiote, el onoto en polvo, el comino (Ute’s mix), y la pisca de adobo. Agregar un chorrito de agua y sofreír por otros 2 min o hasta que el aliño este suficientemente cocido. Entonces, agregar las lentejas mezclando poco a poco, agregar el orégano y la taza de agua caliente con caldo de pollo. Cocer por unos 10 min a fuego lento-medio probando que esté bien de sal o adobo.

Buen Provecho!


bottom roast slow cooker

5-6 pound boneless chuck pot roast (serves 6-8 people)

(or 6-pound brisket)

1 onion
2 carrots
2 celery chalk

3 cloves of garlic
3/4 cup water
3 tablespoons liquid salt solution
1-2 laurel leaves

cut onion in rings and put on the bottom of the slow cooker
place meat (previously rinsed with cold water)
put cut veggies around
add water
about 0.8 ounces of herbs:
garlic powder
Italian seasoning
poultry herb blend
herbs de Provence

cook 10 hours on low

separate the meat from the liquid and let cool for 30 minutes, then place in closed container in fridge

when cold, cut in slices

place slices in pyrex dish

put liquid with vegetables and onions into blender

pour blended sauce over meat slices

heat at 300F before serving

Saftiger Kartoffel Gemüse Auflauf

Arbeitszeit: ca. 30 Min.
Koch-/Backzeit: ca. 45 Min.
Schwierigkeitsgrad: normal

Zutaten für 4 Personen
400 g Kartoffel(n)
333 g Karotte(n)
333 g Brokkoli
333 g Champignons, (möglichst braune)
1,33 m.-große Zwiebel(n)
1,33 Zehe/n Knoblauch
267 g Schmand
133 ml Milch
2,67 Ei(er)
1,33 TL Gemüsebrühe
1,33 TL, gestr. Kräuter, italienische
1,33 Prise Muskat
Salz und Pfeffer
267 g Käse, gerieben



Kartoffeln und Karotten schälen, Brokkoli in Röschen teilen, Champignons säubern und je nach Größe halbieren oder vierteln.
Kartoffeln (größere halbieren) in dickere Scheiben, Karotten in etwas dünnere Scheiben schneiden.
Kartoffeln und Möhren in etwas Salzwasser dünsten, nach gut 5 Minuten die Brokkoliröschen hinzufügen und für weitere 5-8 Minuten garen.

Währenddessen die Zwiebel schälen, würfeln und in etwas Fett/Öl anschwitzen. Die Champignons hinzugeben, mit etwas Salz, Pfeffer und Knoblauch würzen und kurz anbraten.

Für den Guss Schmand, Milch und Eier mit Gemüsebrühe, Kräutern und Muskat verquirlen, evtl. mit Salz und Pfeffer nachwürzen.
Das abgeschüttete Gemüse und die Champignons in eine leicht gefettete Auflaufform geben, mit dem Guss übergießen und mit dem Käse bestreuen.
Im vorgeheizten Backofen (Umluft 175°C, O/U 200°C) backen, bis die Käsekruste schön gebräunt ist (ca 30 Min.).

Wer es gerne etwas deftiger mag und nicht auf vegetarisch besteht: die Champignons mit 125 g gewürfeltem Bacon oder mit 200 g Kochschinken oder Gehacktem anbraten!


arroz con pollo – estilo colombiano



–       2 tazas de arroz blanco

–       1 lb de pechuga de pollo / 3-4 tazas de agua

–       100 grs.  de chuleta de jamón o cerdo ahumado (en USA: boneless ham steak smoked) picado en cubos pequeños

–       1/2  Cucharada de sol. Sal de Himalaya disuelta en agua o pisca sal marina en polvo.

–       ½ cucharadita (tsp) de comino (ground cumin)

–       1 cucharadita de pasta de caldo de pollo o un cubito.

–       Pimienta


–       1 cebolla mediana picada en cubos o juliana muy delgada

–       2 rama de cebollín picado (green onion) verde y blanco separados

–       ½ pimentón rojo grande picado en juliana

–       2 cucharadas de perejil picadito

–       1 zanahoria grande picada en cubos

–       7 dientes de ajo machacado (3 para el hervido y 4 para el aliño)

–       1 rama de celery picadito (para el hervido del pollo)

–       pisca de Ute’s mix (comino) y onoto en polvo

–       Caldo de pollo en polvo +1 tsp sol. Sal de Himalaya

–       1 cucharadita de albahaca (basil)

–       3 hojas de laurel (bay leaves)



Paso 1:

A las ramas del cebollín cortarle la parte verde y reservar la parte blanca. En una olla pequeña o mediana colocar el pollo, limpiarlo y lavarlo bien con limón. Luego colocar agua y llevar al fuego para hervir. Colocar 3 dientes de ajo, el celery, el corte verde del cebollín, ½ cucharadita de comino, 1 cucharadita de caldo de pollo y una pica de pimienta.  Dejar hervir por al menos 15 min. Retirar el pollo del caldo y dejar enfriar para luego desmechar. Reservar el caldo.

Paso 2:

En una sartén poner a calentar un chorrito de aceite de canola. Una vez caliente, agregar el cerdo picado y sofreírlo por 5 min. Agregar el ajo y sofreír por 1 min. Luego agregar la cebolla, el pimentón rojo, cebollín, perejil y la zanahoria. Sofreír por unos 2 min. Agregar el sobre de caldo de pollo en polvo, una pisca onoto en polvo, una pisca de ute’s mix (cumin), la albahaca (basil) y el el comino (Ute’s mix). Sofreír por otros 2 min. Luego agregar el pollo y mezclar bien. Luego agregar las 2 tazas de arroz mezclando para que el arroz se mezcle bien con el aliño. Ahora se deben agregar 2 o 2½  tazas del caldo de pollo incluyendo los trozos de celery y cebollin. Colocar las hojas de laurel y una cucharadita de sol. Sal de Himalaya. Mover. Cuando empiece a hervir, bajar el fuego a lento y cocinar por 20 min.

Este plato queda muy bien con las lentejas.

Buen Provecho!


pan de jamon


200ml milk
50 g butter
500 g flour (don’t use 1:1 gluten free flour – it cant hold the content and breaks open)
50g sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tsp dry yeast (one little paper package)
2 eggs


500g Land O’Frost Premium Old Fashioned Cooked Ham, Lean
1 egg to put on the bread


melt 50 g butter
add 200ml cold milk and heat again a bit

in stand mixer

500 g flour
50g sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tsp dry yeast (one little paper package)

whisk dry ingredients together

2 eggs
milk/butter mix (warm)

mix with spatula till humidity roughly absorbed

put on bread hook and mix at speed 5 for 8 minutes


put on work surface with rice flour and knead into a ball

put 1 hour in oven, covered with plastic, bread proofing function


extend dough rolling mat

cut parchment paper to that size and some rice flour

roll into square

cover with
olives (only two rows)


roll, seal edges with water

cover with plastic and let rise for 1 hour (bread proofing)


beat one egg, brush on the bread


bake for 40 minutes (convection) at 350F / 175C






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–     1.5 -2 KG (3-4 LIBRAS) DE CARNE DE RES

Boneless Chuck Pot Roast (3.0 – 3.5 pounds) Comprada en Davis Sq.
viene empacada en una sola pieza como el muchacho Redondo.














NOTA: Si no gustan de las alcaparras, entonces solo usarlas en el guiso
trituradas y bien picadas. Usar para 3lbcarne/2lbcerdo un frasco de 90grs.






Por cada paq. De 1 Lb. se envuelven aprox. 10 hallacas.


con 2 Paquetes se hacen aprox. 40 hallacas.



1) Carne de Res (Beef):

2 Kg Carne de Res. Lomo o Solomo. Pulpa negra.

Picar en trozos de 5cm poner a hervir en agua con sal, trocitos de cebolla. Guardar al caldo. (Agua solo que cubra la carne).

Que hierva hasta que ablando (pero no tan blandita para poderla picar en trocitos luego).

2) Carne de Cochino (Pork):

Picar el cochino en trozos de 4 a 5cm, poner a hervir en agua con pisca de sal. Despues de 30 mins, pullarlo, si esta blando sacarlo, sino dejarlo mas tiempohasta que ablande. Despues picar en trozos pequenos.

3) Pollo (Chicken):

Poner una pechuga grande en dos partes a hervir en agua con una pisca de sal, hasta ablandar. Picar en trozos pequeños.


Ponerlo en un envase con aceite de un dia para otro. ½ cup de aceite en dos cucharadas grandes de onoto.

Aliño y preparacion de guiso:

Picar el Aliño, unirlo, ponerlo en una cacerola con aceite de onoto (un chorro), sofreirlo un poquito, agregar last res carnes, dejar que sude con el alino dandole con una paleta. Agregar caldo de carne poco a poco, mover siempre. Agregar pisca de adobo, poquito de alcaparras desaladas, aceitunas, el ajo pisado, color en polvo. Luego de 30 minutos provar el guiso si le falta sal ir agregando. Si el guiso no esta espeso como deberia, entonces agregar en un envase mezclar agua y arina hasta convertir en atoll, liquido cremoso. Agregar al guiso poco a poco hasta darle consistencia. Si todavia no ha agarrado el punto espeso, preparar mas atoll y agregar (esto se hace al final porque la harina se pega facilmente en el fondo).

Limpiar las hojas con pano humedo. Picarlas.


Tener en la mesa, envase con rodajas de cebolla morada, envase con pasas, envases con rodajas de huevos, envase con alcaparras, envase con aceitunas, envase con aceite de onoto, envase con la zanahoria en Juliana, y envase con agua. En envases grandes colocar guiso y masa.

Hacer pelotitas de masas para tener listo de tender.

En la hoja de hallaca limpia y picada se moja con aceite de onoto, se tiende la masa, se le coloca aprox dos cucharadas grandes (o 2 y ½) de guiso y en el tope colocar los aderesos. (mama coloca por hallaca: 1 rodaja de huevo, 2 aceitunas, 2 alcaparras, 3 o 4 pasas, 1 o 2 rodajas de cebollas, 1 de zanahoria)

Para cerrar la hallaca se debe doblar de los cuatro lados la masa hasta que se desprenda y forme un cuadro o tamal cerrado. Luego se envuelve la hallaca se coloca en una segunda hoja boca abajo, se cierra y finalmente se amarra con el hilo de pargata. Gualaaa.

Previamente  poner una olla hasta la mitad de agua y tres cucharaditas de sal. Tapar y dejar hervir. Cuando hierva colocar las hallacas una por una hasta que complete hasta ¾ de su capacidad. Aunque las hallacas se cocinan con el vapor. Dejar cocinar por 20 o 25 minutos, cuando se sienta el holor a hallaca mama dice que estan listas. Hehehehehehe.

NOTA: en las hallacas de la Navidad-2011 se usaron 4 paquetes de hojas de plátano marca Thai. El total de hallacas envueltas fue 42.

Buen Provecho y Feliz navidad!

Plätzchen (Kleingebäck zum Ausstechen)

250 g Butter

250 g Zucker

3 Eier

200 g Mondamin oder Kartoffelmehl

1 Päckchen Vanillinzucker oder abgeriebene Zitronenschale (unbehandelt)

1 Backpulver

ca. 400 g Weizenmehl


Zubereitung:: Verflüssigte Butter, Zucker und Eier schaumig rühren, die restlichen Zutaten (vom Mehl nur etwa die Hälfte) dazugeben, Teig ausrollen und ausstechen, dabei nach Bedarf das restliche Mehl zum Ausrollen verwenden und einkneten.

Hellgelb backen.


Bei Zugabe von etwas gemahlenen Zimt werden es weihnachtliche Plätzchen.


Schwarz-weiße Ringelplätzchen:

Der gleiche Teig kann geteilt werden, eine Hälfte wird mit Kakao vermengt und die helle und dunkle Teigplatte aufeinandergelegt und gerollt. Die Rolle wird in Scheiben geschnitten und ebenfalls hell gebacken.



200 g süße, abgezogene Mandeln

200 g Butter

300 g Zucker

1-2 Eier je nach Größe

0,5 Päckchen Backpulver

400g Mehl

Messerspitze Muskat

Zubereitung: Butter, Zucker rühren, Ei dazu, Muskat und die Mandeln untermengen. Zuletzt das mit Backpulver vermischte Mehl dazu. Gut durchkneten. Rollen formen und über Nacht kalt stellen. Am anderen Tag mit einem scharfen Messer dünne Scheiben schneiden und goldgelb backen.



500 g Zucker

4 Eier

500 g Mehl

Vanillezucker der abgeriebene Zitronenschale (unbehandelte Zitrone)

2 Messerspitzen in 1 Teelöffel Milch aufgelöstes Hirschhornsalz   (Backpulver geht auch)


Zubereitung: Eier und Zucker lange schaumig rühren, dann die übrigen Zutaten zufügen, kleine Kugeln formen und hell backen.

Schaummakronen (Verwendung des überschüssigen Eiweiß’ der Rosinenbrötchen

6 Eiweiß

250g Zucker

250g geriebene Mandeln oder

125 g Kokosraspeln

1 Päckchen Vanillezucker


Eiweiß und etwas Zucker werden über Dampf zu einer steifen Masse geschlagen. Mandeln (oder Kokosraspeln) und restlichen Zucker zugeben. Mit 2 Teelöffeln setzt man längliche Makronen auf Backpapier und bäckt sie bei gelinder Hitze goldgelb






120 g Butter

120g Zucker

6 Eigelb

120g kernlose Rosinen

240g Mehl

50g geriebene Mandeln


Butter verflüssigen (oder schaumig rühren), Eigelb und Zucker dazu, tüchtig rühren. Übrige Zutaten untermischen. Mit Teelöffel kleine Häufchen auf Backblech auftragen, nicht zu nah beieinander. Bei mäßiger Hitze etwa 20min backen, nicht zu dunkel!


150g weiße Schokolade

1 kleines Stück frischer Ingwer

1 EL gehackte Pistazienkerne

300g Mehl

1 Päckchen Vanillezucker

½ TL gemahlener Anis

½ TL gemahlener Ingwer

abgeriebene Schale von ½ Apfelsine

180g Butter

ca. 40 Pistazienkerne zum Verzieren

2 EL Puderzucker zum Bestäuben


50g Schokolade hacken, übrige im Wasserbad schmelzen und dann wieder abkühlen lassen.

Ingwer schälen und raspeln.

Mehl, Vanillezucker, gemahlenen Anis und Ingwer und geraspelten Ingwer, Orangenschale , gehackte Pistazien und gehackte Schokolade in einer Schüssel mischen. Flüssige Schokolade und Butter unterkneten. Den Teig zu einer Kugel formen und in einer Folie kalt stellen (mind. 1 Stunde).

Walnussgrosse Kugeln formen und etwas platt drücken. Je mit 1 Pistazie zieren und auf Backpapier bei 180°C ca. 10-15min backen.

Mit Gemisch aus Puderzucker und etwas gemahlenem Anis und Ingwer bestäuben.


Johannesbeerkuchen (Träubeletorte) (Dieters Mutter)

Mürbeteigboden mit geriebenem Zwieback bestreuen

500g Johannesbeeren (roh, gewaschen, gut abtropfen lassen) oder gefroren gut abgetropft oder eingeweckt, dann weniger Zucker.

200g Zucker

4-6 Eischnee

150 g gehackte Mandeln.


Die Mandeln mit Zucker und Eischnee vorsichtig vermischen. Die Hälfte dieser Masse mit den Johannesbeeren mischen und auf dem Mürbeboden verteilen. Die Masse ohne Beeren darüberstreichen.

Ca. 50 min Backzeit.

Quarkstollen (Oma)

500g Weizenmehl

1 Päckchen Backpulver

150-200g Zucker

etwas salz


Rum-, Zitronen- und Bittermandelaroma (Nachkriegsmangel!), kann sicher durch echte Zutaten ersetzt werden

1 Ei

150g Margarine

250g Quark

150-200g Rosinen


Mehl und Backpulver werden auf der Tischplatte gemischt. In die Mitte wird eine Vertiefung eingedrückt , Zucker, Gewürze und Ei hineingegeben und mit einem Teil des Mehles zu einem dicken Brei verarbeitet. Dazu gibt man die in Stücke geschnittene kalte Margarine, den durch ein Sieb gestrichenen kalten Quark und die Rosinen und verknetet alle Zutaten zu einem glatten Teig.

Zum Stollen formen und auf einem gefetteten Blech 70-80 min. bei Mittelhitze backen.

Mit Butter bestreichen und mit Puderzucker bestreuen.



Rotkraut (Oma)


Fein schneiden. In einen Topf  Öl oder Schmalz tun, das Rotkraut in das erhitzte Fett hineintun und so lange unterrühren, bis es etwas zusammenfällt.

Dann 1-2 Esslöffel Essig (je nach Stärke und Rotkrautmenge) unterrühren.

Wenn das Rotkraut gut durchgefärbt ist, etwas Wasser nachfüllen.

Salz, 1 Prise Zucker, 1-4 ganze Nelken zufügen. 2-3 geschälte Äpfel kleingeschnitten zufügen und zusammen mit den Rotkraut schmoren.

Zum Schluss abschmecken und evtl. noch etwas Essig, Salz oder Zucker zufügen.

Hähnchenschenkel mit Zitrone (4 Portionen) (Conny)

    600ml Hühnerbrühe
  1. Knoblauchzehen

25g  Butter

1 EL Olivenöl

  1. Hähnchenschenkel

1    Zitrone, filetiert, in dünne Scheiben geschnitten

2 EL   Mehl

150ml trockener Weißwein

Salz und schwarzer Pfeffer

Frische Petersilie oder Basilikum gehackt zum Garnieren

Dazu neue Kartoffeln oder Reis




Hühnerbrühe kochen, mit den Knoblauchzehen 40 min. köcheln.

In der Pfanne Butter und Öl erhitzen und die Schenkel bei mäßiger Hitze goldbraun anbraten.

Backofen auf 190 Grad vorheizen.

Schenkel in feuerfeste Form legen.

Brühe durchseien.

Gekochten Knoblauch und Zitrone auf den Schenkeln verteilen.

Mehl in das Bratfett stäuben und 1 min. unter Rühren anschwitzen.

Den Wein unter Rühren angießen und den Bratsatz damit loskochen.

Brühe angießen und unter ständigem Rühren andicken lassen.

Mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken.

Diese Soße über die Schenkel gießen und alles 40-45 min garen lassen.

Soll die Soße stärker gebunden sein, Schenkel herausnehmen und Soße weiter kochen lassen.

Mit den gehackten Kräutern servieren.


Kürbissuppe mit Ingwer

Ca. 500g Hokaido-Kürbis (mit Schale)

1 Zwiebel

1 Knoblauchzehe

1 walnussgroßes Stück Ingwer

2 EL Butter

800ml Gemüsebrühe

250g Schlagsahne

2 EL geschälte Kürbis- oder Walnusskerne, oder auch Pinienkerne

Puderzucker zum Bestäuben


Je 1 Prise Cayennepfeffer und gemahlener Zimt

1 TL brauner Zucker


  1. Kürbis entkernen und mit Schale in große Würfel schneiden. Zwiebel, Knoblauch und Ingwer in kleine Würfel schneiden und mit dem Kürbis in Butter andünsten, mit Brühe und Sahne (auch weniger!) ablöschen, 20 min köcheln lassen.
  2. Nüsse (grob hacken) oder ganze Pinienkerne in einer Pfanne ohne Fett rösten, mit Puderzucker bestreuen, aus der Pfanne nehmen.
  3. Suppe pürieren, mit Salz, Cayennepfeffer, Zucker und Zimt abschmecken, in Schalen servieren, mit Nüssen bestreuen, evtl. mit Chilistreifen garnieren.



500g Rote Beete

2 Möhren

1 Stange Lauch

1 kleiner Sellerie

250g Weißkohl

4 Tomaten

250g saure Sahne



Alles Gemüse klein schneiden, kochen, mit Pfeffer abschmecken, vor Servieren saure Sahne einrühren.



110g Butter

165 g Zucker

60g dunkler Kakao (oder 110 g geriebene Schokolade, dann 55g Zucker weniger)

100g geriebene Mandeln oder Haselnüsse

55-60g geriebener Zwieback

2 TL Backpulver

6 Eier, Eiweiß schlagen


Butter zerlassen, mit Zucker und Eigelb verrühren. Dann alle Zutaten zufügen, zuletzt das geschlagene Eiweiß vorsichtig unterheben. Ca. 1 Stunde Backzeit, mit Holzstäbchen zwischendurch Garheit in der Mitte prüfen.



1 ½  EL dunkler Kakao

1 ½  EL Zucker (Puderzucker)

mit 1 Ei verrühren.

1/8 Pfund Kokosfett erwärmen und ess

löffelweise warm unterrühren.

Nach Verteilen auf dem kalten Kuchen und Erkalten des Gusses mit Mandelspießen spicken.


butternut squash + carrot soup (TM6)

1/2 onion

3 TS olive oil

2 seconds speed 7

scrape down


3 min, 100 Celsius, speed 1


6 carrots chopped ~ 450 g

thawed squash ~ 500 g

2 cups broth

2 cups water

2 cm ginger


20 min, 105 Celsius, speed 1.5


put slash guard ! ! ! !

1 min speed 3


1 Teasp salt

1/8 Teasp Nutmeg


1 min speed 6


risos – rollos de carne con tocineta (Herminia)

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–       2 lb. Carne: puede ser muchacho cuadrado o chocosuela cortado en milanesa.

–       Aceite canolla, palillos de pasapalo.

–       ½ lb. Tocineta (Bacon) ahumada.

–       1 cebolla mediana picada en cuadritos

–       2 cucharadas de harina de trigo

–       ½ tasa de vino tinto

–       1 tasa o 1½  tasa de Agua caliente

–       1 Cubito o una cucharadita de pasta de caldo de pollo disuelta en el agua.




La milanesa de carne se pica por la mitad. Cortar la tocineta en trozos de 1½ o 2”. Poner la pieza de carne estirada en una tabla de picar, luego poner un pedazo de tocineta sobre la carne. Enrollar e insertar un palillo para sujetar la pieza enrollada (carne parte exterior, tocineta parte interior).


Calentar una sartén y colocar un poquito de aceite de freír. Poner la carne a freír hasta que la misma dore dorada (ojo: este paso es solo para dorar la carne, no para cocinarla completamente). Retirar la carne de la sartén y reservar. En la misma sartén, sofreír la cebolla hasta transparente. Colocar al sofrito las 2 cucharadas de harina. Dejar espesar hasta que tome un color tostado bonito o dorado. Agregar el vino tinto, el agua caliente con el cubito (Caldo de Pollo) y sal al gusto. Cocinar a fuego medio. La salsa debe quedar liviana (no muy espesa), si es necesario licuar la salsa.


Luego colocar la salsa con los rollos de carne en una olla de presión por ¾ horas a fuego moderado (mediano). Si la salsa seca, colocar un poco mas de agua. Probar si esta al gusto y estar atento de que la salsa debe cubrir las piezas de carne.


Buen apetito!


Kartoffelpuffer and self-made apple sauce

for 2 persons

8 medium to large potatoes

3 TBSP spelt flour

3 eggs

1 medium to large onion

2 tea salt

add some oil between each batch, cook for about 5 min each side, low-medium heat

peel apples and cut in chunks

add some water to pressure cooker

cook 4 minutes

take only the apples, not the juice, and mix with TM6, 30 seconds speed 4

add one tea Agave

mix with TM6, 30 seconds speed 4




flan de pina (Herminia)

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–       1 Paquete de gelatina de piña. 1 Lata de leche condensada

–       1 lata de jugo de piña concentrado (lata grande). Opcional: sustituir este ingrediente por 1 Lata grande de Piña en almíbar.

–       Hojas de menta y cerezas de decoración.



Hacer un caramelo con ½ taza de azúcar más 1 o 2 cucharadas de agua. Poner caramelo al molde y reservar. Hacer la gelatina, cuando este fría o temperatura ambiente (manteniéndose líquida), se le agrega la leche condensada y el jugo de piña. Mezclar. Poner en el molde acaramelado. Llevar al refrigerador (No congelar).

Hacer de víspera (un día antes) para que tome buena consistencia.

Desmoldar y decorar el tope con las hojas de menta y las cerezas.

Opcional: Usando la lata de piña en almíbar.

Puedes sustituir la lata de jugo de piña por una lata de piñas en almíbar, pero en este caso deberás licuar el almíbar y los trozos de piña para obtener un jugo, reservando uno o dos rodajas de piña para ponerlas en el fondo del molde y obtener una decoración al momento de desmoldar. Recuerda colar el jugo después de licuar para retirar los grumos o fibra de la fruta.

Receta de la Tía Herminia L.

Utes Brot mit Sekowa Backferment

Utes Brot

Vollkornbrot mit Sekowa Backferment

zwei 3-Pfundbrote (Kastenbrote – Kaiser Brotbackformen 30cm)


700 g Roggenmehl

2 geh. Teel Sekowa lose

2 geh. Teel Sekowa Grundansatz aus dem Kühlschrank

1 Teel. Honig

1 Liter handwarmes Wasser

2 geh. Teel. Brotgewürz

evtl. Saaten zum Mitbacken z.B. Kürbiskerne, Leinsamen, Sprießkorngerste, Sonnenblumenkerne

wenn Kerne mitgebacken werden, dann kommen sie schon in den Vorteig, damit sie mitquellen



300 g Roggenmehl

1 kg Dinkelmehl

500 ml handwarmes Wasser

35 g Salz (rosa Himalaya Salz)

1 Eßl. Demeter Zuckerrübensirup (verbessert Gärvorgang des Teigs)


Zubereitung Vorteig: (Nachmittag)

700 g Roggenmehl mit 1 Liter warmem Wasser, Brotgewürz, Honig, trockenes Backferment und 2 TL Grundansatz – 10 min. verrühren (langsame Geschwindigkeit) zum weichen Teig (mit K-Haken) – abgedeckt warm stellen für 12-20 Stunden



300 g Roggenmehl, 1 kg Dinkelmehl, 500 ml warmes Wasser, Salz, Zuckerrübensirup (Ahornsirup) zum dem weichen Teigansatz zufügen und noch mal 10 min mit Brothaken zum geschmeidigen Teig rühren.

eine bis 1 1/2 Stunden abgedeckt warm stellen (der Teig sollte die 6-Literschüssel fast ausfüllen)

Teig mit Spatel manuell umrühren (deflate),

Kastenformen mit Öl am Küchentuch ausstreichen, auf den Boden Körner (Sesame, Leinsamen)

Teig in 2 Kastenformen füllen, mit Wasser bespritzen

Wasser in Schale in den Backofen stellen (aber nicht unter das Brot, da sonst die Wärme nicht ans Brot kommt)

Kastenformen abgedeckt (!) in den Backofen bei ca. 50 Grad für 20 Minuten

(dies ist ein ganz wichtiger Abschnitt, nicht abkürzen !!!!)

(der Teig sollte quellen)

Kastenformen raus, abgedeckt lassen,

Backofen auf 260 C vorheizen (ca. 20 min)

der Teig sollte (abgedeckt) weitergären und ca. bis fast an den Rand der Kastenformen steigen, Plastikfolie abnehmen

bei 230-260 Grad Brote einschieben und etwas mit Wasser bespritzen

20 Minuten bei 260 Grad Celsius backen

Brotvorderseite nach hinten, mit Wasser bespritzen

50 Minuten bei 190 Grad Celsius backen (das sind die veränderten Zeiten für Boston) (war vorher 40 Minuten bei 180 Grad)

Vanillekipferl – Monde

In standmixer pot
first whisk all dry ingredients together

500g spelt flour
200g ground Hazelnuts (RedMill Hazelnut flour)
285g sugar
whisk together, then add

340g butter (at room temperature – should be pretty soft)
3 eggs
juice and skin of one lemon
3 TBSP vanilla

with bread hook
mix 5 minutes, speed 5 (difficult, when butter is too hard)

needs some manual remixing to combine everything well

cover, put in fridge for an hour

preheat oven to convect 360 F

Use baking sheets with paper, not the silicone mats !!!

form moons on 2 sheets, but bake them individually
for 18 minutes

when they are ready, use sieve and put pouder sugar on top, lift edges of paper to
‘flip’ them around and pouder also the bottom sides
