sourdough pancakes

preheat Breville grill to 350, lightly grease with oil

melt 2 TBSP coconut oil in small sauce pan (not too hot !)
transfer to the large metal mixing bowl

1 egg
1 tea vanilla
3 TBSP honey

whisk thoroughly

add 2 cups sourdough starter
mixing well into the batter.

Pour approximately 1/4 cup of batter onto the griddle or skillet. Cook pancake until it is bubbly on top and cooked on the edges, approximately 2-3 minutes. The edges will not necessarily turn brown.

Flip and cook the pancake for another 2-3 minutes, removing from the griddle or skillet when the bottom is golden to medium brown.

Serve with maple syrup or honey. Yields 6-8 pancakes.